
What are the positives of a jury?

What are the positives of a jury?

These can include:

  • The chance to have a decision made by a number of people rather than one single person, which can reduce the likelihood of bias against you or your circumstances.
  • The opportunity to be tried by your peers, who may be more likely to relate to your personal situation than a judge or magistrate.

What flaws in the US justice system does 12 Angry Men expose?

The movie exposes several flaws in the US justice system, including the potential bias of the jurors, the risk of “herd mentality” impacting the vote, and the frequent desire by the jurors to come to a decision—perhaps without having properly vetted the evidence—in order to get their civil duty over with.

Was the jury in 12 Angry Men representative or impartial?

Focusing on the right to a trial by “an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,” the play/film also addresses related constitutional provisions, including the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and the right to counsel.

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How is jury equity an advantage?

Jury equity is a key advantage. As jurors are not legal experts they are not bound to follow precedent, do not have to give reasons for their decision and therefore can decide a verdict on the basis of fairness.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of magistrates?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Magistrates

  • Magistrates are volunteers and therefore it is cheaper!
  • Magistrates have knowledge of their local area which they work in so can relate to problems!
  • Most decisions they make are using common sense therefore not much training is required!

What is the main weakness of the jury system demonstrated by 12 angry men?

The story have a happy ending, but it also shows out the danger and weaknesses of jury system, such as how prejudice and doubt lower people’s ability to make a reasonable judgment, showing inevitable that the jurors own personal experiences affect their opinion on the innocence of the defendant.

What is an impartial jury?

The Sixth Amendment provides many protections and rights to a person accused of a crime. One right is to have his or her case heard by an impartial jury — independent people from the surrounding community who are willing to decide the case based only on the evidence.

What is a representative jury?

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The jury is supposed to contain a representative cross section of the community, resulting in a jury of one’s peers. Moreover, a jury that is composed of members from diverse racial backgrounds is enhanced by the various backgrounds and experiences of its members.

Why is secrecy of the jury room an advantage?

The confidentiality rules allow jurors to become more confident when deliberating in the jury room.

What are the advantages of magistrates courts?


  • They can only give out a maximum sentence of 12 months.
  • There is usually less time to wait before the trial.
  • It is less stressful to go through Magistrates courts.

What are the strengths of magistrates?

Local Knowledge-Speeds up court proceedings. Live in local area as they know local news. Paul v DPP- kerb crawling. More available than judges as no training is required.

What strengths and weaknesses of the jury system does the play bring to light what do you think the playwright’s opinion about the system is?

What do you think the playwrights opinion about the system is? The strengths is that the jury have equality(the numbers) and they all have a say in the case. The weaknesses is that the jurors can use stereotypes when deciding and they can be biased because of their personal life.

Do jurors cheat out of a fair trial?

None of the jurors believe they were cheating the accused out of a fair trial or had any initial doubt in their minds that he was guilty and yet as the case is further picked apart each juror finds a point of clarity in the unravelling of evidence and a better understanding of the term reasonable doubt.

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What is the message of 12 Angry Men?

Above all, the film is about a worldview. Screenwriter Reginald Rose saw American society as crumbling amongst itself, and 12 Angry Men stands as a warning to Americans: remember your responsibilities, stay unified, and be understanding with one another, or the nation will fall.

What would happen if it had not been for Juror 8?

If it had not been for juror 8# the accused would of surely of been found guilty, as the intellect of one courageous man slowly turned the verdict around.

Can a jury enter a not guilty verdict?

If a jury has any reasonable doubt that the accused may not have committed the crime, then it must enter a not guilty verdict. Each person has their own opinion of the term reasonable doubt and therefore there is much contrast found across the jury room exposing the weak point in the American judicial system. Haven’t found the relevant content?