
What are the disadvantages of class discussion?

What are the disadvantages of class discussion?

Disadvantages of Whole Class Discussions

  • Students are often Intimidated to Speak Up. It can be difficult to get some groups to engage in lively discussion.
  • Not all Students get a Voice.
  • Differentiation is Difficult.

What are five advantages of discussion method?

The Discussion Method produces student learning outcomes including (1) how to reconcile opposing arguments; (2) how to think on one’s own two feet; (3) how to formulate cohesive arguments to reach a consensus; (4) how to mitigate fear of sharing individual opinions by building relationship among classmates; (5) how to …

What are the challenges of discussion method?

The following are some of the common problems that can occur in classes and some ideas about how to cope with them:

  • The whole group is silent and unresponsive — ask students to work in pairs to get people talking and energised.
  • Individuals are silent and unresponsive — use open, exploratory questions.
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What are disadvantages of teaching methods?


  • No student input into lesson and therefore may fail to foster ‘deeper learning’.
  • It does not allow for creative thinking by students.
  • Assumes all individuals are of the same abilities and motivations and therefore restricts or hurries individual progressions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of teaching method?

Teaching methods Advantages Disadvantages
Tutorials Promotes adult learning Encourages learners to solve problems, connect, prioritise, and incorporate conceptual knowledge Affects the development of attitudes and values Promotes social and intellectual experience Develops oral presentation skills Labour intensive

What are the problems of group discussion?

There are some common issues that may arise when working in a group: Poor communication. Personal issues. Unequal contribution….Poor communication

  • making assumptions.
  • misinterpreting what’s being discussed.
  • not understanding what they need to do.
  • working on the wrong task.
  • failing to work well together.

What are the disadvantages of teacher centered method?

Drawbacks of a Teacher-Centered Classroom This method works best when the instructor can make the lesson interesting; absent this, students may get bored, their minds may wander and they may miss key information. Students work alone, missing potential opportunities to share the process of discovery with their peers.

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What are the disadvantages of a child using one primary method of learning?


  • There is a potential for exhaustion, as they can be in constant interaction in an unnatural way with the teacher.
  • It can be difficult to measure progress without other students to compare with and the possible lack of a syllabus.
  • There can be a lack of individual study time.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of demonstration method?

Advantages and disadvantages of demonstration method of teaching

  • This strategy improves the understanding of complex skills and principles.
  • Students can pay their attention and follow along with the learning process.
  • Knowledge becomes permanent because this method requires different human senses.

What are the disadvantages of discussion method of teaching?

Disadvantages of a discussion method: 1 Time consuming 2 presence of a teacher at all times 3 easy to deviate from the topic 4 can dominate by any member 5 This method cannot be used for teaching small children. 6 it cannot be used to teach all topics More

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What are the benefits of the class discussion environment?

The class discussion environment allows a few individual students to dominate the class conversation. This tendency benefits your strongest students, the individuals already most familiar with the subject. Other students are able to relax into the background and participate less often in the class discussion.

What are the different types of discussion methods?

Types of discussion Method  Discussion method includes 1. Small group discussion technique 2. Socialized classroom discussion technique 3. Panel discussion technique 9. Small group discussion method 10. Socialized classroom discussion technique 11. Panel discussion method 4-8 qualified person discuss a given topic

What makes a good classroom discussion?

Classroom discussions naturally open avenues for discussion between instructors and students but also between students and other students. While these discussions are the focus of the class, they can turn toward areas you do not intend and even move entirely away from the point of the discussion.