What are the coordinates of the point D?

What are the coordinates of the point D?

The coordinates of point D are (0,1) ( 0 , 1 ) .

How do you find D coordinates?

As we have to find coordinates of D, let them be as (x, y). Therefore, midpoint of AC = midpoint of BD. So, coordinates of D are (-4,-3). Hence, D is the correct answer.

How do you find the coordinates of a rectangle?

The area of rectangle can be found by multiplying the width and length of the rectangle. To find the length of the rectangle compare the x values of two of the coordinates: Since the length is . To find the width of the rectangle we need to look at the y coordinates of two of the points.

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How do you find the coordinates of two points?

When given the end points of a line segment, you can find out its midpoint by using the midpoint formula. As the name might have already suggested, midpoint is basically the halfway between two end points. All you need to do is dividing the sum of x-values and the sum of y-values by 2.

How do you write the coordinates of a point?

Coordinates are always written in brackets, with the two numbers separated by a comma. Coordinates are ordered pairs of numbers; the first number number indicates the point on the x axis and the second the point on the y axis.

What are the coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle?

Now according to the question, one of the vertices is the origin, i.e., one of the vertices of the rectangle has coordinates (0,0).

What are the vertices of a rectangle?

Rectangle/Number of vertices

How do you find the area of a rectangle with coordinates?

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To find the area of a rectangle, multiply the length times the width!

What are the 4 coordinates?

This creates a grid with four quadrants. The four coordinate plane quadrants don’t have names but are simply known as the first quadrant, second quadrant, third quadrant, and fourth quadrant.

How to find the distance between two points in a rectangle?

Recall that we can find the distance between any two points if we know their coordinates. (See Distance between Two Points) So in the figure above: The heightof the rectangle is the distance between A and B (or C,D). The widthis the distance between B and C (or A,D).

What are the properties of the corners of a rectangle?

Each of the four vertices (corners) have known coordinates. From these coordinates, various properties such as width, height etc can be found. It has all the same properties as a familiar rectangle:

How do you find the dimensions of a rectangle?

The dimensions of the rectangle are found by calculating the distance between various corner points. Recall that we can find the distance between any two points if we know their coordinates. (See Distance between Two Points ) So in the figure above: The height of the rectangle is the distance between A and B (or C,D).

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What does rectangle mean in math?

Rectangle (Coordinate Geometry) A quadrilateral where all interior angles are 90°, and whose location on the coordinate plane is determined by the coordinates of the four vertices (corners). Try this Drag any vertex of the rectangle below.
