Tips and tricks

What age is War and Peace appropriate for?

What age is War and Peace appropriate for?

In terms of content, there is some war scenes that I wouldn’t recommend for anyone too young. That said, if anyone over the age of 12 shows an interest and the ability to read it, I’d tell them to go for it! It’s certainly an achievement that feels good, based on the size of the book.

Is War and Peace good for a 14 year old?

Most definitely not! Even if a fourteen year old can’t understand War and Peace, the challenge and experience will have very positive scholastic affects on a young mind. Speaking from a personal perspective, a challenge like this is also likely to have positive impact socializing and communicating with others.

Is there romance in War and Peace?

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6 Love comes into it. It understands, as James Buchan once wrote, that love is the circus hoop through which history is made to leap again and again. But romantic love is only one of the things that may interest the mind, and sometimes it does not interest the mind at all. There are other subjects in the novel, too.

What is war and peace about for kids?

War and Peace (Russian: Война и мир) is a famous novel written by Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer. It is about four families of noblemen in Russia during the wars with Napoleon, and how they deal with the war and with one another.

Is War and Peace inappropriate?

It depends on the maturity and all, but at some points the violent descriptions may bother somebody with high sensitivity. No sexual content.

Is War and Peace a true story?

How historically accurate is the novel? War and Peace is broadly accurate in terms of the historical events and figures involved in them. But while true to the facts, Tolstoy put a spin on them to serve various purposes in the novel.

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Is Anna Karenina OK for kids?

Age Appropriate for: 15+. The R rating is mostly for erotic content. There isn’t really any cursing; the most violence is when a man gets cut in half underneath a train; a horse has to be put out of its misery; and a suggested suicide.