
Was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?

Was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?

(Left to right) Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Tehrān Conference, December 1943. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Why was Leon Trotsky important in the Russian revolution?

Trotsky helped organize the failed Russian Revolution of 1905, after which he was again arrested and exiled to Siberia. As chairman of the Petrograd Soviet, he played a key role in the October Revolution of November 1917 that overthrew the new Provisional Government.

How did Joseph Stalin get into power?

At the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1922, the leaders decided to expand the party’s Central Committee. Due to this expansion, a secretariat became a necessity. Stalin was appointed the head of this new office on the 3rd of April.

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What happened to Trotsky’s enemies?

Gregori Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev, not Stalin, emerged as Trotsky’s principal opponents in the immediate aftermath of Lenin’s death. These two men, who had been with Lenin for years, felt threatened by Trotsky’s popularity and his military record. A mistake, fateful for all three, though, had already been made.

Who opposed the invasion of Poland and why?

Trotsky opposed the invasion of Poland. He was a much more consistent revolutionary than Stalin but not a wild-eyed fanatic or madman.

How deep was Trotsky’s wound?

The wound inflicted was three inches deep. Reeling, the old revolutionary found the strength to fight back against the assassin. Trotsky prevented Mercader from inflicting another, fatal blow and battled for his life until his bodyguards arrived.

What challenges did the Bolsheviks face in the 1920s?

Trotsky also witnessed the tremendous setbacks of the early 1920s to revolutionary hopes. Under the New Economic Policy (NEP) set in motion by Lenin in 1921, the Bolsheviks had to concentrate on economic recovery after the severe wartime measures. The working class had been ravaged by three years of civil war.