Tips and tricks

Should you follow your heart or your mind?

Should you follow your heart or your mind?

Listening to your head may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart increases your risk of regret, so if you want to lead a more satisfying life, follow your heart.

Is it better to live life following your heart or following your mind?

Research has shown that decisions are made through a combination of both cognition and emotion but, science aside, most people tend to think one is better than the other. As for the scenario above, listening to your head may lead to more tangible success, but not following your heart increases the risk of regret.

Do You Follow Your Head or your heart?

There is no magic formula for following your heart or head. What you’ve just read doesn’t have to turn into rules. There are no steps. There is no right or wrong answer. Believe in yourself, have confidence in yourself and really take time to listen to yourself. Embrace having both your head and heart to rely on.

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What happens when we follow our hearts?

When we follow our hearts, we truly begin to love ourselves. We start to believe that we are good enough, even great. We believe that we are exactly the person we should be. That everything that has happened to us, good or bad, has made us the person we are today.

Should you choose a career based on your head or heart?

A whopping 64\% of people believed it’s better to choose a career based on one’s head than one’s heart if they want to be successful, while 68\% agreed that following one’s heart when making business-related decisions could cloud their judgment. However, success is not all about monetary value.

Which group is most likely to follow their heart?

Your Heart 1 Millennials Were the Group Most Likely to Follow Their Heart. Most people don’t think too much about general daily decisions. 2 Following Your Head Comes With Age. 3 Following Your Heart Leads to More Satisfaction. 4 Decisions Made Easy. 5 Methodology. 6 Limitations. 7 Fair Use Statement.