Should I participate in competitive programming?

Should I participate in competitive programming?

Taking part in competitive programming teaches you how to be more focused on the task and not only complete it quickly, but accurately. These skills are highly beneficial for any job, not just in coding.

How long does it take to become a competitive programmer?

As a general rule, don’t expect to become coding proficient in less than three months of full-time study, and depending on your professional goals, preferred programming language, acumen, and personal passion, it could take longer.

Should I use C++ or Python for competitive programming?

For competitive programming, C++ is the obvious choice. Most of the data structures are already implemented and available through STL. Plenty of algorithms are also implemented in the same. Also, when programmed correctly, your code shall execute real quick, much faster than Python.

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What is competitive programming?

Competitive Programming: Generally competitive programming is a mind sport where everyone showcase his/her skills of problem solving under various constraints (that force everyone to think deeply or efficiently).

How do I Master competitive programming?

So to master the Competitive Programming you need dedication, patience and continuous practice to solve the problems as many as you can.I have provided a link of online Competitive Programming by Coding Blocks course above you can refer to that. Code,sleep,eat and repeat. Happy coding!

How to become a successful programmer?

The most efficient way that you find to do this, is to compete with other human beings all around the world and that is competitive programming. Competitive programming is like a sport. It’s a mind sport. So, when instead of using your body, you’re using algorithms and you’re using your coding practices to do well.

What are the best resources to learn competitive programming?

1. Data Structures and Algorithms 2. Coding Blocks Competitive Programming Study Material 3. Good Collection of problems by Coding Blocks 4. Must known Algorithms for Competitive Programming 5. Introduction to Programming Contests (by Jaehyun Park (Stanford ACM-ICPC coach))