Tips and tricks

Should I accept job offer or wait?

Should I accept job offer or wait?

Your goal shouldn’t be to take the first job you’re offered. Your goal should be to accept the best offer and position for your career. So by asking for a couple of days or up to a week to consider job offers, you’re increasing your chances of getting multiple offers to consider.

Should you take the first job offer you get?

Find your second, third, and fourth job offer Should you take the job or hold off? Passing on your first job offer may feel like a big risk, but accepting on the fly and without much consideration is just as risky. It’s best to continue your job search, but you don’t have to go it alone.

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When offered a job should you accept it immediately?

When do you need a response?” While being respectful of the employer’s time, it is perfectly acceptable to take one to two business days to make sure you fully understand the offer. If they ask you to respond immediately, ask politely if you can have 24 hours to review the terms.

Why you shouldn’t take the first job offer?

Reasons You Shouldn’t Take the First Offer Even if the offer is decent and allows you to live comfortably, you’ll most likely end up stagnant, bored and regretful of your decision to stick around. Similarly, even if the deal looks good on paper, you should consider how it will affect your work/life balance.

How long should you wait to accept a job offer?

If you’re like many job candidates, you might be wondering, “How much time do I have to make a decision?” According to multiple hiring managers, requesting 48 to 72 hours is perfectly reasonable.

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What should I know before accepting a job offer?

Before accepting a job offer, learn what kind of projects you’ll be working on. You can do this by looking at the company’s website or by asking the employer directly. If your new job responsibilities and role feel exciting to you, this is a good sign that this job is the right fit for you.

Should you decline a job offer during a search?

If you are going to consider declining job offers during a search, it is important to have a clear picture of what offer you will accept. In order to wait for the perfect role, you need to really know what you want in a role and why.

Is a job offer the right move for You?

After doing all the hard work of building your resume, attending networking events and going to interviews, you finally got a job offer. Although this is an exciting opportunity, it’s important for you to decide if it’s the right move for you. Your new job should be a chance to move forward in your career and get closer to your professional goals.

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Is it easy to make a job offer decision?

Very few job offer decisions are easy—but thinking through your situation this way can help make it much clearer. Photo of two roads courtesy of Shutterstock. Leslie Moser attends Harvard Business School where she is pursuing her MBA.