
Is Yoongi learning guitar?

Is Yoongi learning guitar? BTS’s Suga recently spilled the beans behind the real reason he chose to take up learning an instrument back in the day. According to a report by Koreaboo, he was quoted saying, “I especially like impromptu music. I love the songs that were made in one take instead of being recorded several times. What guitar does SUGA have? Conversation. [#SugaHQ_Misc] The guitar #SUGA is seen playing in the most recent BTS live is a ‘Martin Dx

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Are kunai knives meant to be thrown?

Are kunai knives meant to be thrown? Contrary to popular belief, kunai were not designed to be used primarily as throwing weapons. Instead, kunai were primarily tools and, when used as weapons, were stabbing and thrusting implements. Varieties of kunai include short, long, narrow-bladed, saw-toothed, and wide-bladed. How far can you throw a Kunai? A good distance for beginners is 8 to 10 feet. Is Shuriken better than Kunai? The kunai is larger, sturdier, and heavier. A sort of Asian

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How do you tell if your boss is intimidated by you?

How do you tell if your boss is intimidated by you? Signs of a jealous boss include belittling your accomplishments, constant needling, unfair criticism, withholding information, ignoring your comments in meetings and assigning you unimportant projects that won’t catch the eye of higher-ups in the company. Do bosses care about their employees? Bosses should care about the welfare of their employees, in part simply because they’re human and life is better when we can relate and connect with one another.

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How do I contact Uber eats about a charge?

How do I contact Uber eats about a charge? Submit a question at If you submit a question, our support team will get back to you within 48 hours. You’ll receive a notification on your phone from Uber (if you have notifications enabled) letting you know that you’ve received a response. We’ll also send you an email. How do I contact Uber eats about missing food? How to contact Uber Eats using the “Help” section in your account On

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What to say to someone who has no friends?

What to say to someone who has no friends? What Not to Say Lonely? Ha! I never get lonely! I’m so busy. Why don’t you have any friends? Oh, I’d love to have some quiet time like you have. I wish I was lonely! My kids keep me running. You’ll be fine. You’ve got: (fill in the blank: your kids, your dog, your job.) What can you do for someone who doesn’t have friends? What to do if you have

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What do they do with dog tags when a soldier dies?

What do they do with dog tags when a soldier dies? After a soldier is killed in battle, fellow soldiers or officers can use the two tags to mark the body. One tag goes between the top and bottom front teeth, and the other goes between the toes. Soldiers taken prisoner of war typically are allowed to keep their dog tags, although that may not always be the case. What do dog tags mean in the military? The main purpose

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Can you have an audiographic memory?

Can you have an audiographic memory? Not going into much formal definitions of audiographic memory, we can say Audiographic memory is basically when you easily remember audio you heard. Could be songs, speeches, quotes, details of meetings or talks or could even be sounds of birds a person. Is hyperthymesia a disorder? Hyperthymesia, or highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM), is a condition that leads people to be able to remember an abnormally large number of their life experiences in vivid

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How do you prove that an electron is a particle?

How do you prove that an electron is a particle? What evidence suggests that the electron is a fundamental… Physical properties that do not vary. The electron was found to have a definite charge to mass ratio, e/me, in early experiments and later was found to have an intrinsic spin of 1/2. Stable against decay. No internal structure. What is the experimental evidence showing that electrons can behave like waves? Davisson and Germer showed in 1927 that a beam of

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How do you link a QR Code to a database?

How do you link a QR Code to a database? Click on the QR code icon to begin scanning. When the scan is complete, the text will appear in the “QR Code” field. Use the “Send” icon to submit the record. As a result, the request will be sent to the database and a new record containing QR code value will be created in the “Search Requests” table. How do you turn a QR Code into data? How To Make

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What factors influence voter choice?

What factors influence voter choice? The three cleavage-based voting factors focused on in research are class, gender and religion. Firstly, religion is often a factor which influences one’s party choice. When you vote for president do you choose the candidate directly? Electoral College. In other U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. But the president and vice president are not elected directly by citizens. Instead, they’re chosen by “electors” through a process called the Electoral College. How does

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