
Is violin harder than sitar?

Is violin harder than sitar?

An electric guitar with light-gauge strings feels almost effortless to play after about an hour or so playing a sitar! I have no idea about the sitar but violin is very hard and requires at least 4 years of intensive training to reach a good (decent) level.

Is violin the easiest instrument?

There is no such thing as an easy instruments. No matter how easy to understand at first, it will eventually be difficult. The piano is easier to produce good sound at first, and easier to understand, but later on you will have to face many technical details.

Is sitar very difficult to learn?

Sitar has a very steep learning curve. Learning sitar on one’s own is nigh impossible and certainly inadvisable (you will likely end up having to untrain bad technique); a teacher’s guidance is really necessary for the technique of sitar and certainly for the music itself.

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Why are violins the best instrument?

Violins are well-suited to playing melody, making them one of the most important instruments in the orchestra. Secondly, they are played with a bow, unlike woodwind or brass instrument which rely on air. This means that players are able to perform longer melodic passages with plenty of fast finger-work.

Are sitars expensive?

How much do sitars cost? Sitars range in price from just about $300 to over $1,000 USD depending on brand name, quality of construction, condition, and other factors.

Is the sitar the right instrument for me?

Guitar will be the right instrument for people who are interested to primarily play western genre music such as pop, rock, funk, jazz, classic or blues, on the other hand, sitar is the right instrument for people who want to primarily play indian traditional music or experiment with unique sounds in western genre musics.

What is the difference between an acoustic guitar and a sitar?

The acoustic guitar typically wants to produce the natural tone from the resonation of it’s hollow body chamber. There are 2 common type of sitar which are: gayaki style sitar and instrumental style sitar. Gayaki sitar usually only have minimal or no carving/decoration on it’s body while the instrument style will usually be fully decorated.

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What is the difference between a sitar and a veena?

The veena is played by sitting cross-legged while the sitar is balanced nicely between the player’s left foot and the right knee thus enabling your hands to move freely without having to feel the burden of the instrument.

Can you play all strings on a guitar at the same time?

All the strings in a guitar is located on the same level / height from one another therefore you can reach, grip and play all strings at the same time. The strings are located in different height on a sitar, the main melody string and the 6 ‘chord strings’ is located on top of the fret which means you can fret them.