
Is there such thing as necessary evil?

Is there such thing as necessary evil?

Either the thing is not necessary, or it is not evil. For the same reason party, if necessary, is not evil. But they do not want to say that, for they are convinced that party is an evil. Therefore they must take the alternative and admit that it is not necessary; and their excuse for party is gone.

Does money is the root of all evil?

You’re referencing 1 Timothy 6:10 from the Bible, which is usually translated as “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” or simply “for the love of money is the root of all evil.” Not money itself, but the love of money.

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What are examples of necessary evils?

All the so called evils are necessary….

  • Robbing a bank to get rich.
  • Rapping a person to get sexual satisfaction and to feel empowered.
  • Lying to keep yourself from getting onto trouble by shifting the blame on someone else.
  • Cheating on your spouse just to get satisfaction.
  • Cheating to win. The lost goes on.

Why is inflation a necessary evil?

Inflation is called a necessary evil–no one likes it but it is needed for economic growth. Too much inflation can create major problems for policy makers. Both wholesale and retail inflation continued to increase month-on-month in April 2021, though the rise in the former has been much sharper.

How did plastics make life much easier?

A thousands of plastic products are used in adding comfort, safety, and convenience to our everyday lives. Plastic packaging makes it easier for consumers to view the items they are purchasing and the same it protects the contents from contamination.

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Is money the root cause of all evil?

Not only this even the greatest of problems dont have their root cause as money.The biggest example being Taliban.Why are they attacking people, they are not getting money from it but it is because they want blood, killing of Indians and Americans. This is called racism. So money is not the root cause of all evil. Yes because…

What is a necessary evil?

The phrase necessary evil is often used in parallel with sayings such as the ends justify the means, for the greater good, or the lesser of two evils. The expression implies certain immoralities are warranted by the situation.

What is worse than doing evil is being evil?

Answer: Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote, “What is worse than doing evil is being evil.” These words were used to defend his actions in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler during World War II. An assassination is an evil thing, but some, including Bonhoeffer, would call it a necessary evil, in light of the greater evil of the Holocaust.

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What is the biblical definition of evil?

Scripture uses the term evil ” in two distinct ways. The most common meaning implies moral wickedness, meaning sin ( Matthew 12:35; Judges 3:12; Proverbs 8:13; 3 John 1:11 ). In common English, this is how the word evil is most often understood.