Tips and tricks

Is thank you a good reply to I Love You?

Is thank you a good reply to I Love You?

Generally the desired response to “I love you” is “I love you too.” If someone replies “Thank you” and “I love you too” as in the sentence “Thank you. I love you too”. it means they are acknowledging the compliment (with the thank you) and confirming they feel the same way (with the I love you too).

Is it okay to say thank you too?

In these situations — when a person says “thank you”, but you feel you should equally or even more be thanking them, yes you could say “thank you too”. But the more common response would be to repeat the “thank you” but vocally emphasizing the “you”, to stress that you’re turning the thanks back on them.

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How do you tell a girl that you love her?

Feelings are feelings, but you don’t have to jump right into an “I love you.” Tell her how much you like her, and use your words and actions to show her that she means a lot to you. Give her thoughtful compliments; buy or make her a personal gift; and show your passion through physical interactions.

Is it rude not to say I love you back?

Love is patient, love is kind, but love can also be really effing scary. But saying “I love you” and not hearing it back right away isn’t necessarily a red flag. “If this person cares for you, they may not be able to say ‘I love you’ back, but they can be tender and caring,” Richardson says.

What is the best reply for thank you so much?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  • You’re welcome.
  • No problem.
  • No worries.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • My pleasure.
  • Anytime.
  • It was the least I could do.
  • Glad to help.
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What is the proper response to “thank you”?

Several answers are saying that the proper response to “thank you” is “you’re welcome”, and that’s fine when there is a clear direction of favour being done: you give a lost person directions, they say “thank you”, you say “you’re welcome” (or “no problem”, or “my pleasure”, or any of those variants).

Is it polite to say thank you to someone who loves you?

“Thank you “ is always polite and good manners. You don’t have to tell someone you love them if you don’t love them, just so that they are placated and comfortable. Chances are if you are not ready to say this back, they may have jumped the gun on saying it to you.

Is it better to say thank you or thank you too?

If both you and the other person have mutually done something nice for one another, then “Thank you too” is good. If you alone have done the favour, then “You’re welcome” is better. If it’s just a simple exchange, for example a transaction in a shop, where no real favour has been done, then just repeating “Thank you” is OK.

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What is the best response to I Love You?

Generally the desired response to “I love you” is “I love you too.” If someone replies “Thank you” and “I love you too” as in the sentence “Thank you. I love you too”. it means they are acknowledging the compliment (with the thank you) and confirming they feel the same way (with the I love you too).