
Is tech sales a hard career?

Is tech sales a hard career?

Being in sales is about being a problem solver for your customer and getting them the best solution for their needs. You may be more prepared for a career in Sales than you think you are. Going from the career you’re in now to selling $50,000 deals every day in a tech sales career is not as difficult as you think.

Is there a lot of money in tech sales?

Tech is the most lucrative of all sales positions. Tech sales reps earn a median annual wage that is more than twice the median for all workers, according to the Labor Department. CNBC ranked software sales as one of the seven highest-paying jobs in the U.S., with a Glassdoor salary range of $50,000-$141,000.

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Why should I go into tech sales?

In the world of tech sales, there are endless opportunities to find niches that work for you, your interests, and your passions. You often times get to help others solve their problems using a unique solution that you have to offer, and in learning your own product you may even find ways to improve it.

Why do you want a career in technology sales?

Having a technical sales specialist is crucial to bringing in new business and expanding sales teams to cope with changing demands in technology. For those with a technical background, working in sales can help them forge a new career in a fast-paced environment with rich opportunities.

Can you make good money in tech sales?

According to Glassdoor, tech companies have a median pay of $80,000 for sales jobs on the corporate level. For those who think that pay is too low, consider that a successful salesperson will earn much more because of the nature of commissions and bonuses.

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What is a career in tech sales like?

Tech sales representatives work closely with customers to promote or sell tech-related products for a given organization. Companies expect these professionals to maintain long-term business relationships and industry contacts. Entry-level tech salespeople will work with a team to get field experience.

How do you move into tech sales?

5 Tips For Breaking Into Tech Sales

  1. Network with other tech sellers to become familiar with the industry.
  2. Find mentors who are willing to help you throughout the interview process.
  3. Treat the hiring company and manager like a prospect.
  4. Get multi-threaded within the company.

How do I get into tech sales?

They all found their way into careers in tech sales. Unlike for many professions, there’s no singular way to get into sales. Its blend of career growth potential and translatable skills make it an attractive option for both recent college graduates and working professionals eyeing a career change.

Why pursue a career in tech sales?

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A sales engineer—proving that pursuing a career in tech sales could mean really bright things for your future. 4. The barrier to entry is low The tech industry can be intimidating, and can leave many wondering how to get into software sales with no experience.

How has sales technology changed the job market?

With the rise in sales technology, the profession has only become more competitive and data-driven. Hitting quota requires mastering email cadences, customer research and complex CRM systems.

Can you really make a living as a salesperson?

While the tech industry is known to pay hefty sums to the people who fill the more technical roles, you can earn a great living in sales as well. Bridge Group’s 2015 SaaS Inside Sales Survey Report shared that the compensation for inside sales roles rose to record highs in 2015.