Is it weird to find anime attractive?

Is it weird to find anime attractive?

It is normal to find animated characters attractive, especially when the characters are over sexualized and meant to play certain personas that are deemed “attractive”. That’s one of the selling points for anime is the “cute” factor of everything from the animation style to the dere archetype.

What do UWU girls say?

An “uwu girl” is a girl who brings the emoticon to life through her aesthetic and her demeanor, which tends to be sweetly childlike, but also suggestive, drawing on the sexualization of (usually young) anime girls.

What do you think about an anime girl?

Anime girl is just an “imagination”, it is created by an animator. i admit that anime is BEAUTIFUL, but i wont let “FAKE BEAUTY” ruin my life. And also my social life.

Is it weird for me to find beautiful anime characters attractive?

There is nothing wrong with finding beauty in characters created to be beautiful, in facti it would be more weird for you to not find them attractive. It only becomes a problem when you become like some hardcore otaku in japan that go around with the attitude that anyone who is 3d is disgusting and not worth their time.

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Do you think anime works in real life?

The story in a romance/slice of life/even HENTAI/ and many other genres are told the most beautiful way as possible, EVERY GENRE IN THE ANIME WORLD DOESN’T WORK IN THE REAL LIFE. IF YOU ARE WANDERING “why my life is bad, i hope i can be like ( some character in the anime world) i will be happy.

Do you prefer anime characters or humans?

Look, humans are fine, just like watermelon, but that’s it. Anime characters, on the other hand, are a manifestation of human’s goal to reach perfection. Another point I’d like to make is that you can never be in a relationship with an anime character, which makes it even more desirable. Welcome to my page, senpai!
