Is it safe to be naked in a pool?

Is it safe to be naked in a pool?

There is nothing dangerous in swimming naked other than perhaps being arrested for indecent exposure! Sperm does die quickly once outside of the body, but when engaging in sexual activity a condom is always recommended to protect against STI’s and unwanted pregnancy.

Do babies pee in the pool?

Babies urinate in their swim diapers, too, but their volume of urine is quite low. It would take a lot of baby pee to make up for one older kid who urinated in the pool once because they were too lazy to go to the restroom. It’s time we stopped using public pools as toilets.

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Does chlorine have a smell because of pee?

The toxic chloramines, which are formed during the reaction of chlorine with sweat, urine and body oils, are also what causes the pool “chlorine” smell.

Why does my pool smell fishy?

The top reason your swimming pool may smell fishy or fowl is lack of proper sanitation. First you should check your swimming pools chlorine levels and see if they are low. If you find your chlorine levels are below normal readings, you may need to start adding more chlorine on a regular basis.

Do you have to wear a bathing suit to the pool?

There may even be a shower for your use and it might be outdoors by the pool. Taking a shower is also polite. Two towels are also useful, one for drying and a dry one for sitting on. You don’t “have to” do anything. You can wear a bathing suit, or not.

How do I ask my parents to let me go swimming?

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To sum up, ask your parents, ask their parents, and if it’s OK with them, probably with a lot of restrictions, you might get a chance to swim that way in their pool. Otherwise, look forward to swimming with friends in remote lakes and rivers, and having your own private pool maybe, when you’re on your own.

What do you do with your clothes when you go swimming?

A lot of people don’t like piles of clothing around the pool and have a place to hang or store your clothing Often clothing is left in the house. There may even be a shower for your use and it might be outdoors by the pool. Taking a shower is also polite. Two towels are also useful, one for drying and a dry one for sitting on.