Is it okay to not talk politics in a relationship?

Is it okay to not talk politics in a relationship?

“Let’s not talk politics!” That’s sad for our country. If you want to be sure that political discussions don’t wreck your relationships, and especially guy-to-guy friendships, pay attention to these eight damaging political discussion tactics. 1. Sarcasm

Why don’t men talk about politics?

This adversarial style, alas, especially puts male friendships at risk because politics is right up there with sports as far as topics men most often talk about. The main alternative to argumentative discourse about political issues seems to have become avoidance altogether of political discussion.

What do you expect when people talk about their political views?

When people talk to me about their political views, they expect me to come back with some snappy comebacks and my opposite view points. Although, I very rarely do. I respect your opinions too much. You may love one candidate and everything that they stand for, while I may despise them. That’s what’s great about America!

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Do you talk about politics in casual conversations?

Talking about politics is not my idea of a casual conversation… it mostly just stresses me out! I do not have to talk to you about politics to fill the silence. So I respectfully ask that you don’t try to take the initiative and fill the silence with political small talk.

Is it “polite” to not discuss politics?

But somehow, over time, it became more and more “polite” to not discuss politics. It’s gotten to the point where people say “don’t discuss politics.” Or “I hate seeing politics on Facebook.” And I get it. Politics is a highly personal and highly divisive topic. It can be uncomfortable. It can end friendships.

How do you avoid political discussions in the workplace?

Preventing Political Discussions Consider your comfort level with politics before an event. Avoid political triggers. Allow a person to express personal frustrations without evaluating their politics. Have a way to get out of unwanted discussions ahead of time. Set a ground rule to avoid politics.