Tips and tricks

Is it OK to lie about your age?

Is it OK to lie about your age?

You can say anything you want, they reason, because you shouldn’t have been asked the question in the first place. Lying about one’s age is considered socially acceptable, as is declaring the fact that your age is nobody’s business.

How can I hide my real age?

Caption Options

  1. Tell people the chemical element whose atomic number corresponds to your age.
  2. Invoke your right as a geek to stop incrementing your age once you hit 42.
  3. Tell people your correct age …
  4. Repeat, over and over, “The birthday cake is a lie.”
  5. Convert your age to hexadecimal.
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Can I change my age legally?

Your age is a fact and cannot be changed. The reason people want to change their age is because of an arbitrary age-related rule that is preventing them from doing something they want to do. It is often possible to get around these rules.

Why do men lie about their age?

Men usually lie it upwards to appear more mature. It’s all about fitting the deeply ingrained stereotype of “women tend to prefer more mature men, men tend to prefer younger women.”

What happens if you sleep with someone who lied about their age?

Minors who lie about their ages (in regards to sexual encounters specifically) have nothing to fear in regards to the law, which means older parties are the only ones who have to worry about criminal charges resulting from statutory rape scenarios.

What’s the geekiest way to hide your age?

Here, then — inspired by the recent birthday of GeekDad’s fearless leader, Ken — are the geekiest ways to hide your age: 10. Tell the truth in a geeky invented language. For instance, I’m wejmaH jav (Klingon) years old, though nearly Odog-Nelchaen (Sindarin).

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When do guys stop growing in height?

In rare cases, some people may hit puberty in their late teens and continue to grow into their early twenties. The reason most guys stop growing at this age is because their growth plates fuse shortly after puberty.

Do you have an identity you are trying to hide?

If you have an identity that you are trying to hide, you know how exhausting it can be due to your having to be on guard at all times. According to Berkley et al., the need to disguise yourself is a form of “emotional labor.”

Why do I look old when I wear baggy clothes?

Not wearing the right size for your body. Covering up your body with baggy clothes doesn’t hide your flaws—it hides your age. Those shapeless outfits obscure the natural curves of your body, making you look softer and less muscular, both of which are typically associated with older bodies.