Is it bad to be an INTJ?

Is it bad to be an INTJ?

Unhealthy INTJs legitimately don’t care how other people feel. They’re so fixated on their own goals and ideas that they dislike making room for anyone else’s emotional needs. The technical reasons for this: Without adequate development of Feeling, INTJs can become lopsided in their development.

Can Intj be fake?

There is a considerable amount of variation in the way these three look on the surface and you have to get past some of their emotional barriers before they will show you their hidden INTJ self. There are three main types of fake INTJs. INFJs are more likely to differentiate themselves correctly so we’ll ignore them.

How do you know if you’re not an Intj?

Here are 10 signs you might be an INFJ, not an INTJ:

  • You feel comfortable dealing with other people’s emotions.
  • You are more interested in people and relationships than concepts and theories.
  • Conflict is distressing.
  • You use your emotions and personal values to navigate the world.
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Are INTJs nerdy?

INTJs love knowledge and enjoy diving into different ideas and information. Their constant need to research and learn about new things, is a big part of the INTJs geeky or nerdy side. They often enjoy anything that challenges them to improve, which usually causes the INTJ to enjoy playing video games.

What should you never say to an INTJ?

10 Things You Should Never Say to an INTJ. #1 – “You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About” If an INTJ has taken the time to make a statement, chances are they’ve thought it through pretty carefully first. As dominant introverted intuitives, they tend to process and analyze things thoroughly before speaking up.

What is the most frustrating thing about intjs?

Being stuck, limited, or controlled in any way is extremely frustrating for an INTJ. If you tell them they can’t do something chances are they will try to prove you just how much they can do that exact thing. Authenticity is a big deal to INTJs.

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Do INTJ’s value intelligence?

But as INTJs, we probably already know we’re smart; we’ve been told that all our lives. What we really value is what we do with it. This is because INTJs don’t view intelligence as a static thing (you’re either “smart” or “not smart” and that’s that). We view intelligence as a constant process of learning more about the world.

How do intjs act on a first date?

INTJs crave independence and they tend to figure most other people do as well. They don’t want to push themselves on other people or interrupt them, because that seems disrespectful and annoying to them. But they will show up on time for your dates. They will text you before calling.