Tips and tricks

Is it against the law to fly a flag upside down?

Is it against the law to fly a flag upside down?

While it is legal to express yourself in whatever way you so choose, it is disrespectful to fly an American flag upside down unless in a life-or-death situation, according to the United States Code.

Is it OK to hang American flag vertically?

When the American Flag is hung over a street, it should be hung vertically, with the union to the north or east. If the Flag is suspended over a sidewalk, the Flag’s union should be farthest from the building.

Is it disrespectful to hang a flag on a wall?

Don’t hang your flag backwards, upside down, or in another inappropriate fashion. If you’re hanging your flag vertically (like from a window or against a wall), the Union portion with the stars should go on the observer’s left. Never dip the flag to any person or anything.

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What is the proper way to hang an American flag?

When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right, that is, to the observer’s left. When displayed in a window it should be displayed in the same way, that is with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street.

Is flying flag upside down disrespectful?

It’s not disrespectful. Flying the flag upside down is the traditional symbol of distress. It is respectful of the flag, and a powerful symbol of protest against a government that has gone against everything this flag, and this country represents.

Is it illegal to fly the American flag upside down?

While it is legal to express yourself in whatever way you so chose, it is illegal to fly an American flag upside down unless you are in a life or death situation. People have faced legal charges for flying an American flag upside down. Stores have also been forced to remove upside down American flags on clothing.

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Why do people hang the American flag upside down?

The American flag is only supposed to be hung upside down in a time of great distress. In most cases, people hang the flag upside down as a way to protest issues with the government.

What does it mean for a flag to be flown upside down?

According to the United States Flag Code, hanging the flag upside down is a signal that the owner of the flag is in extreme danger. The person’s life or property has to be threatened. If the flag is hung upside down, military personnel recognize this as a call for help.