
Is Hermione good at magic?

Is Hermione good at magic?

Hermione demonstrated knowledge and talent with magic beyond most of those her age, despite having only recently discovered that she was a witch.

Was Draco a good wizard?

Often overlooked, Draco is actually an incredibly powerful wizard who shows great power both during and after his time at Hogwarts. He performs complicated magic, crafts cunning plans and is even recruited by one of the most powerful wizards of all time.

What is Draco’s favorite spell?

Expelliarmus. It was this spell, this spell that won Draco Malfoy his 1st duel against Hermione Granger.

Who is the most powerful wizard in Harry Potter?

Harry Potter: 15 Wizards More Powerful Than Dumbledore. In the Harry Potter universe, Albus Dumbledore is widely regarded as the greatest wizard of the modern era – and rightly so. The Hogwarts headmaster was an exceptionally intelligent and extraordinarily talented sorcerer who mastered virtually every field of magic there is.

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Is Harry Potter more powerful than Dumbledore?

We know, we know: Harry Potter is clearly less intelligent, less powerful, and less talented than Dumbledore in pretty much every way that matters. But don’t count out the Boy Who Lived entirely – he really is capable of outshining his mentor, in some respects.

What did the witches and wizards learn at Hogwarts?

It was for this reason that promising young witches and wizards were sent to schools of magic, such as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to refine their craft and learn the art and responsibility of their power. There, they learned a variety of magical specialities, general theory and the history of magic in their world.

How many schools of magic could Slytherin have schooled Dumbledore?

Toss in his knack for breeding monstrous magical creatures and (implied) Dark Arts mastery, and that’s at least three schools of magic where Slytherin could’ve… well, schooled Dumbledore! We’re not proposing that Nicholas Flamel’s magic was mightier than Dumbledore’s in the typical, offensive-strength sense.