
Is Golang good for API development?

Is Golang good for API development?

Golang is very useful for writing light-weight microservices. We currently use it for generating APIs that interact with our front-end applications. If you want to build a small functional microservice quickly, then Golang is a great tool to use. It’s an easy language for developers to learn quickly.”

How do I use REST API in Golang?

Consuming a REST API using Golang

  1. mkdir golang-api. cd golang-api. go mod init touch main.go.
  2. package mainimport ( “encoding/json” “fmt”
  3. { “id”: “XgVnOK6USnb”, “joke”: “What did the calculator say to the student?
  4. type Response struct { ID string `json:”id”` Joke string `json:”joke”`

How do I create a RESTful API server?

Security & authentication

  1. Use HTTPS. A secure REST API should only provide HTTPS endpoints.
  2. Add a timestamp to HTTP requests. Alongside other parameters, include a timestamp for your request.
  3. Restrict HTTP methods.
  4. Consider input validation.
  5. Use OAuth.
  6. Don’t expose sensitive data in URLs.
  7. Perform security checks.
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What can you build with GoLang?

What can I do with Golang

  • Building web apps and static sites.
  • Write distributed apps.
  • Almost everything you can do with Python, PHP and Java.
  • Web scraping.
  • Server development (JSON API, Chat system, Web server)

What language is used to make restful?

XML: JSON and XML are the two de facto standards for sending and receiving data in REST APIs. Web programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and Java all have tools for parsing and working with XML and JSON.

How do you mod init?

Open a command prompt and cd to your home directory. Create a greetings directory for your Go module source code. Start your module using the go mod init command. Run the go mod init command, giving it your module path — here, use .

Can golang be used for REST API?

net/http. The standard library in go comes with the net/http package, which is an excellent starting point for building RestAPIs. And most other libraries the adds some additional feature are also interoperable with the net/http package so understanding the net/http package is crucial to using golang for RestAPIs.

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What is buildbuild RESTful APIs with Golang?

Build RESTful APIs with Golang (Go programming language) is a collection of successive, quick and to the point hands on lectures that put emphasis on doing (code along) rather than just talking and showing slides. It is only 2 hours so it won’t be another one of those 10 hours courses that you buy and end up not completing.

What is my new course on REST API in go?

My new course – Building a Production-ready REST API in Go is out now! This course covers everything you need to build production worthy REST APIs in GO!

What are the benefits of building REST APIs?

Building REST APIs allow you to easily decouple both consumers and producers and are typically stateless by design. Note – If you wish to learn more about the basics of REST APIs then check out What Are RESTful APIs?

How to build a CRUD REST API using go?

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Run that by calling go run main.go and then open up http://localhost:10000/article/1 in your browser: You will now see the article matching the key 1 returned as JSON. In this part of the tutorial, you are going to build the Create, Update and DELETE part of a CRUD REST API.