
Is Dumbledore really a good person?

Is Dumbledore really a good person?

Throughout the Harry Potter series, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore acts as a benevolent force who guides Harry and his friends through adventures both large and small. However, when you look at disturbing facts about Dumbledore, it’s clear he’s irresponsible at best, and legitimately evil at worst.

Was Dumbledore actually bad?

Warner Bros. Albus Dumbledore is painted as a powerful hero in “Harry Potter,” but he has some deep-rooted flaws. The Hogwarts headmaster kept secrets from Harry that ultimately led him into grave danger. Instead of asking for help from the skilled wizards around him, Dumbledore just did what he wanted.

Was Dumbledore a good headmaster?

He was a great headmaster. As a person, he might have been a little manipulative but he gave a lot back to Hogwarts, and the Wizarding Community as whole. His inventions (the silver instruments in his office) and all his books were donated to Hogwarts! He was a great Transfiguration professor too.

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Is Dumbledore Machiavellian?

Dumbledore was Machiavellian. He did what he believed needed to be done in order to defeat Voldemort. He fought for the greater good. In the course of this battle, he behaved quite ruthlessly.

Was Dumbledore a good guy?

Dumbledore was not a saint. He wasn’t all big beard and twinkling eyes and full of answers. He had a very very sharp mind and he used it. Invoking Lily’s protection Yes, Lily was the true hero here stepping in between Voldie and her son. But it was Dumbledore who ensured that the protection continued.

Is Dumbledore the true villain of the Harry Potter series?

No. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was many things. But not the true villain of the series. Dumbledore wasn’t as purely good as his first name suggests. Not as wholly benign as he appeared at first.

Was Dumbledore really a saint?

Dumbledore was not a saint. He wasn’t all big beard and twinkling eyes and full of answers. He had a very very sharp mind and he used it. Yes, Lily was the true hero here stepping in between Voldie and her son. But it was Dumbledore who ensured that the protection continued.

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Were Dumbledore’s intentions always pure?

Dumbledore’s intentions were always pure. Everything he did was for the Greater Good (the meaning of Greater Good appears to have changed a bit since Gellert and Albus were an item, but still). So, the guy was a liar, and a secretive, manipulative fellow, but still his intentions were as pristine as his first name.