
Is Croatian different from Serbian?

Is Croatian different from Serbian?

Both Croat and Croatian refer to the language and people of Croatia; Serbian refers to the language of Serbia, while Serb designates the people. Serbs and Croats understand one another’s speech, but their alphabets are very different. Lejla’s mother is a Serb, and her father is a Croat, but she is a Canadian.

Is Bosnian an ethnicity?

In the 1961 census, the Bosniaks or Bosnian Muslims were categorized as an ethnic group defined as one of ‘Muslim-Ethnic affiliation,’ but not as a Yugoslav “constitutive nation” alongside Serbs and Croats.

Do Bosnian Croats have Croatian citizenship?

Hundreds of thousands of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina hold Croatian citizenship as a result of their ethnic Croat identity.

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Why does Croatia block Bosnia from the sea?

Dubrovnik was so afraid of a Venetian attack that it gave away a tiny tract of land on its northern tip to the Ottoman Empire, to give itself a buffer against Venice. That fateful decision made Neum a permanent part of the region’s Ottoman-ruled provinces: Bosnia and Herzegovina.

What is the difference between Bosnian and Croatian?

Bosnian standard partly conforms with Croatian and partly with Serbian. Its main distinction is more Turkish loanwords in the standard vocabulary. On the other hand, Serbian and Croatian already have a long tradition in being taught to foreigners, starting as Serbo-Croatian. Consequently, there are more quality books available.

Is Bosnian a language or a dialect?

“Language” is a political, and not a linguistic category. As someone once said: “A language is a dialect with an army and navy”. Montenegrin, Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian are considered languages because of politics, and not for linguistic reasons. Why are Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin (almost) the same?

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Where do Serbs and Croats come from?

Serbs and Croats were once tribes of Iranian origin, from the regions north of the Black Sea and the Caucasus. The original Serbs and Croats were part of a nation that has historically been best known under the name of Scythians.

Why are there so many different words in Croatian and Serbian?

Some of those words are just regionally colored, such as: Serbian greeting “zdravo” and Croatian “bog”, or “hleb/hljeb” vs “kruh”, “voz” vs “vlak” etc. Other words are different because Serbs took a foreign word and Croats coined their own word: pasoš / putovnica; avion / zrakoplov; aerodrom / zračna luka.