
How would you describe the diversity of environments in the continent of Asia?

How would you describe the diversity of environments in the continent of Asia?

Asia’s vast area allows for varied and extreme climates. It has some of the coldest, hottest, wettest, and driest places on Earth. While many distinct climates exist across the continent, Asia’s climate can be most generally divided into three zones: north/central, southwest, and southeast.

How did various beliefs and practices in South and Southeast Asia affect the development of states?

How did various beliefs and practices in South and Southeast Asia affect society and the development of states? Interactions between Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus shaped society, as Islam attracted lower-caste people and was presented as a new religion after Buddhism became corrupt.

What aspect of Eastern Theatre influenced American designer Julie Taymor in her work on The Lion King?

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What aspect of Eastern theatre influenced American designer Julie Taymor in her work on The Lion King? African, Asian, Mayan, and Indian traditional uses of puppetry and masks.

Which of the following describes how the introduction of Western influence affected the tradition of Kabuki Theatre?

Which of the following describes how the introduction of Western influence affected the tradition of Kabuki theatre? It toned down the spectacle of Kabuki and allowed some Western realism into the performances. c. Women played women’s parts for the first time in hundreds of years, but only in Shimpa plays.

How did geography make Southeast Asia strategically important?

How did geography make Southeast Asia strategically important? Southeast Asia was strategically important because there was a seaborne trade between China and India. This trade had to pass through two straits which were very rich trade routes. Indians influenced the kingdoms by introducing Buddhism.

How did the beliefs and practices of the predominant religions in Europe affect European society?

Religion: The predominant religions in Europe were Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The Christian Church established universities and led in the area of education, and also held a large role in the feudal system (lords were often affected by bishops and the pope, and religion had a great political influence).

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What inspired Julie Taymor?

In high school she began attending the experimental theatre workshops given by playwright and theatre educator Julie Portman, in which she learned the art of “living theatre,” creating theatre from ideas or from scratch and using personal experience as the primary inspiration.

Who influenced Julie Taymor?

Puppetry of Asia, films of Federico Fellini and Akira Kurosawa, the theatre of Jerzy Growtowski and Joseph Chaiken, Bread and Puppet Theater, all influenced Julie Taymor’s later work.

What are the musical characteristics of kabuki Theatre?

Kabuki theatre (歌舞伎) features highly-stylized dancing, singing and elaborate make-up worn by a predominately all-male cast. Musically, it highlights the Nagauta form (often associated with shamisen).

What branches of art make up the identifying characteristics of kabuki theater?

Kabuki is a world-renowned form of traditional Japanese performance art. Incorporating music, dance, and mime with elaborate costumes and sets, kabuki dramas depict tales derived from regional myths and history.

What are the five main divisions of Asia?

These are Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Western Asia. Another region can be defined as North Asia to include the bulk of Siberia of Russia and the northeastern parts of Asia. The five main divisions of Asia have been mentioned in detail below. 5. Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan)

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What do the theories of theatre have in common?

Theories tend to have the same beliefs in common: Ritual and Myth seem to be important in all societies. Ritual is one source of theatre, but not all societies develop the same way. Five Functions of Ritual:

How did theatre develop from ritual to theatre?

At first, rituals’ concerns were religious; then as man’s confidence to believe in his own powers increased, it turned more secular — theatrical elements increased. Eventually, theatre emerged on its own. Myths — relationship between gods and humans.

What are the three bodies of water that border South Asia?

South Asia has a peninsula-like shape that is bordered by three bodies of water: the Indian Ocean to the south, the Bay of Bengal to the east, and the Arabian Sea to the west. The region includes Indian subcontinent and surrounding countries.