How should you behave in Iran?

How should you behave in Iran?

Try to arrive early or at least on time; punctuality is important in Iranian society. When you arrive, check to see if the host is wearing shoes. If not, remove yours at the door. Show respect for the elders by greeting them first, and shake everyone’s hand individually.

Does Iran allow Netflix?

Iran is notable for its degree of government-sponsored internet censorship. The government also blocks some streaming services, including Netflix and Hulu. Sites relating to health, science, sports, news, pornography and shopping are also routinely blocked.

Is dancing illegal in Iran?

According to Iran’s Islamic penal code, singing and dancing are not illegal but a person can be prosecuted if authorities deem their acts “indecent” or “immoral”.

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Is Facebook in Iran?

As of May 2016, the only countries to ban access around the clock to the social networking site are China, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. However, since most North Korean residents have no access to the Internet, China and Iran are the only countries where access to Facebook is actively restricted in a wholesale manner.

What is the best way to spend money in Iran?

For all intents and purposes, Iran for the visitor is a purely cash economy. No credit cards. No travellers cheques. Just bring cold, hard cash – preferably in high-denomination euros or US dollars printed since 1996. Apart from some hotels, carpet shops and tour agencies where you can pay in dollars or euros, all transactions are in rials.

Is it possible to make payments to/from Iran?

However, receiving payments and also making payments to Iran is still a problem. Iran is opening up, and this also means that trade with Iran is picking up. However, receiving payments and also making payments to Iran is still a problem. Join now Sign in How to make payment to/from Iran

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How to do business transactions with Iran?

In order to do business transactions with Iran, and apart from more complicated financial instruments, payment can best be arranged though Letter of Credit A Letter of Credit (LC) is a financial guarantee that can be opened through a bank. Letter of credit is a safe and secure way to pay for goods.

How to make a down payment in Iran?

In this method, a foreign seller demands a down payment of 20\% to 50\% of the goods price issued in accordance with a (proforma) invoice. The buyer can transfer the down payment through Iranian banks to the seller’s account. In BSP Commerce, the above transactions are made with government funds and at the reference bank price.