
How many seats are reserved for SC St in colleges?

How many seats are reserved for SC St in colleges?

Answer: As per government regulations for NEET reservation criteria, 27\% seats for OBC, 10\% seats for EWS, 15\% seats for SC and 7.5\% seats for ST are reserved in Central Universities and state medical colleges.

What is the percentage of reservation for other backward classes?

In the Indian Constitution, OBCs are described as socially and educationally backward classes (SEBC), and the Government of India is enjoined to ensure their social and educational development — for example, the OBCs are entitled to 27\% reservations in public sector employment and higher education.

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Is there girl reservation in NEET?

Ans. No, there is no separate reservation for girls in the NEET, they will be considered under normal reservation policy.

Does 2A category belong to OBC?

The Panchamasali Lingayat community’s demand to be included in category 2A (15\%) of the other backward classes (OBC) reservation matrix has stirred up a hornet’s nest with many questions being raised on its implications for the 102 communities already in this bracket.

How do you justify reservation?

Justifications of Reservation: The Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Castes are victims of such inequalities. So it is necessary to provide them special care and protections through reservations until they come forward at par with others. 2.

Can a child of a group B/Class II officer apply for reservation?

As far as Group B/Class II Officers are concerned, if one of the parents of the children while working as Group B/Class II Officer gets into Group A/Class I Officer at the age of 40 or earlier, then also the children are not entitled to the benefit of reservation.

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Is OBC reservation eligibility different from EWS reservation?

OBC reservation eligibility is entirely different from EWS reservation eligibility. Don’t mix up things. Income and Asset Certificate needed for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) among General Category is different from the Income and Wealth certificate mandated for the Other Backward Castes (OBC) Non-Creamy Layer.

What is the percentage of reservation in IAS for government jobs?

27\% Reservation Quota with respect to the seats in Government Jobs (like IAS, IPS etc) and Government institutes (like the IIMs and IITs). There is relaxation with respect to the upper age limit for various examinations like UPSC Civil Services Exam. There is relaxation with respect to the number of attempts for exams.

How many percentage of posts are reserved in central government services?

Due to the recommendations of the Mandal Commission, the Central Government issued an Office Memorandum to reserve 27\% posts in central government services. The order was challenged by Indra Sawhney (Indra Sawhney and Others Vs Government of India) in Supreme Court (1992).