
How many months of current affairs are there in RRB po?

How many months of current affairs are there in RRB po?

In the SBI PO Mains & IBPS RRB PO Mains, 40 marks are allocated to 40 Questions in the General Awareness Section. In the General Awareness section, the majority of the questions are based on Current Affairs of the last 6 to 7 months.

How many months are current affairs for IBPS RRB clerk?

Cover current affairs of at least 6 months leading up to the exam.

How many months bank current affairs?

So, you have to cover the Current Affairs from the day of notification plus one month prior to it. In total, you have to cover 5 months current affairs for the particular exam. Currently, upcoming bank exams are IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, Canara Bank, and IBPS SO in which General Awareness section is asked.

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Is RRB PO have interview?

The IBPS RRB PO recruitment has three-stage selection process i.e. Prelims, Mains and Interview.

How many months of IBPS PO are there for current affairs?

Current Affairs questions are related to events from 2-3 months back.

How to prepare for IBPS Po interview?

You are encouraged to practice on your own as well. Take IBPS PO free mock test to brush up your exam preparation. Questions in IBPS PO Interview are according to your personality and interests. It can be based on your hobbies and more information that you know related to your hobbies.

Why aspirants should read daily current affairs 2021?

Aspirants are advised to follow our daily current affairs page regularly to enhance your general awareness skill easily with spending less amount of time. If you are seriously trying to get a government job then you should make a habit of reading daily current affairs 2021.

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How to prepare for the Pi accounts interview?

The round of PI accounts holds notable weightage for the final selection of candidates. To be impressive during the interview, you should be prepared for the questions generally asked in the interview while still appearing to be spontaneous and sincere.