
How many languages are used in Flipkart?

How many languages are used in Flipkart?

With the two new languages, the Flipkart app is now available in 7 Indian languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Marathi, developed in a span of over 1.5 years. According to industry reports*, Indian language internet users are expected to account for nearly 75\% of India’s internet user base by 2021.

Which language is used in website building?

Hypertext Markup Language – or HTML for short – is the language used to indicate the structure and layout of webpages. While HTML alone is not enough to create a website by today’s standards, it is where the most basic, bare-bones structures still start.

Which framework is used by Flipkart?

Flipkart uses React-Native for building apps across Android, iOS, mWeb.

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Does Flipkart use Python?

In his work tenure at Flipkart, he has used Java, Scala, and pure python for different projects. All their software run on Linux – Debian and most of the other systems make use of JVM, even though they are not always created on Java. Flipkart uses MySQL for data storage and Memcached for caching.

Which is better PHP or Python Why?

It’s syntax is simpler and code is more readable in Python compared to other programming languages like PHP, C and C++….Python vs PHP.

Parameter Python PHP
Learning Python is better than PHP in long term project. PHP has low learning curve, it is easy to get started with PHP.

What is the programming language used by Flipkart?

Versatile in programming across various langua. Flipkart runs website on Linux – Debian Operating System and primarily website built on PHP. Most of services are run on the JVM but are not necessarily built on Java, though Java is very popular. Flipkart is mainly using the Java, RoR,Python, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS ,SCALA etc.

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What is the history of Flipkart?

Flipkart Private Limited, d/b/a Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company based in Bengaluru, India. It was founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal in 2007. The company initially focused on book sales, before expanding into other product categories such as consumer electronics, fashion, and lifestyle products.

What technology does Flipkart use to make their apps?

Flipkart App is very smooth and easy to use, it makes the user will to buy the thing and ya I was one their hunted customer. The mixer of technology that they use is called Hybrid App. HTML5 and Native(java) is packed in very professional way. You will never find HTML files in their asset, they are loaded from their Server.