
How many golf balls can you fit in this room?

How many golf balls can you fit in this room?

Divide 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million cubic inches and you come up with 660,000 golf balls. However, since there are seats in there taking up space and also since the spherical shape of a golf ball means there will be considerable empty space between them when stacked, round down to 500,000 golf balls.

How many balls can fit in a room interview questions?

The average mens basketball has a diameter of 25cm. There is approximately 30cm in a foot. Therefor you could fit one inflated basketball in a 1 foot cubed space. Therefor you could fit 1000 inflated basketballs inside a room with a volume of 1000 ft cubed.

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How many golf balls can fit in a Boeing 747 interview questions?

Three thousand x 10,368 cubic inches means we have 31,104,000 cubic inches of space available. At three cubic inches per ball, a 747 could hold 10,368,000 balls.

How many golf balls fit in a car?

Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million and you come up with 660,000 golf balls. However, since there are seats and crap in there taking up space and also since the spherical shape of a golf ball means there will be considerable empty space between them when stacked, I’ll round down to 500,000 golf balls.

How do you calculate the number of balls in a box?

Divide each dimension of the box by the diameter, rounding down to the next lower integer as needed. That gives you how many balls you can place side by side along the length and width, and how many you can stack vertically along the height. Then multiply the 3 integer ratios to get the number that fit in the box.

How many ping pong balls fit in a room interview question?

Assume that the diameter of a ping pong ball is 4cm. Because the balls do not tessellate, each ball occupies a volume of 4cm cubed. One cubic meter will therefore hold 25 by 25 by 25 balls, which is approximately 16,000.

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Are golf balls worth money?

Generally you’ll be paid between 6 and 12 cents per ball selling them wholesale. If you’re good at collecting, that can add up to hundreds of dollars daily. If you’re not a diver, or you don’t find more than a few hundred balls at a time, you might consider retailing the used golf balls yourself.

How many ping pong balls can you fit into a 747?

688,705 tennis balls
The volume of the tennis ball would be 47.916πcm^3. Finally, after dividing the volume of the aeroplane by that to the tennis ball we arrive at 688,705. Therefore, we can fit approximately 688,705 tennis balls in a Boeing 747.

How many golf balls are in the world?

85 inches is the radius of a golf ball. Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million and you come up with 660,000 golf balls.

How many golf balls would you put in a school Buss?

Nobody need to actually put golf balls in a school buss , nobody care if the number is 61,000,000 or whatever .Nobody in Google cares how good are you in giving estimates to the size of a buss. The answer is bussWidth*bussHight*bussLength / (ball/Diameter ^ 3 * sin (60) * sin (60) ^2 ) .

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How many golf balls do you need to calculate $8000?

On numbers and calculations… 2) Round your answers at each step. If a calculation results in 101 golf balls, use 100 golf balls for the next step. If your answer is $8200, use $8000.

How many golf balls are in a cubic foot?

That means 960 cubic feet and since there are 1728 cubic inches in a cubit foot, that means about 1.6 million cubic inches. I calculate the volume of a golf ball to be about 2.5 cubic inches (4/3 * pi * .85) as .85 inches is the radius of a golf ball. Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million and you come up with 660,000 golf balls.

What is the volume of a golf ball?

Therefore the volume of a golf ball is about 2.5 cubic inches (4/3 * pi * .85) Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.7 million and you get 680,000 golf balls. Note you can take 25\% off the total for seats and you get 510,000 golf balls.