How long did you train for your first marathon?

How long did you train for your first marathon?

Someone new to running will need about 6–12 months of base running, gradually increasing total weekly miles 10\% to a consistent 25 – 30 miles per week, including a long run of 10 miles.

What age should you run your first marathon?

A review of dozens of different marathons around the United States show that many of them put forth a requirement that runners be 18 years old. A few others set the bar at 16. A few more suggest 14 years old as the cutoff.

How long did it take to run the first marathon?

then keeled over and died. So, de Coubertin organized the first official race from the Marathon Bridge to Olympic Stadium in Athens, a distance of about 24.85 miles or 40,000 meters. Spiridon Louis, a Greek postal worker, won that first race in 2 hours, 58 minutes, 50 seconds, finishing seven minutes ahead of the pack.

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Can I run a marathon in 6 months?

In general, the longer you have to prepare and train, the better. With a 6 month marathon training plan, you have plenty of time to very gradually build up the volume in miles required. This means that you have less risk of injury, over-training, or burn-out (basically exhaustion).

Why is a marathon 26 miles?

According to legend, a messenger named Pheidippides ran 40-kilometers, or roughly 25-miles, from the town of Marathon to Athens to announce a Greek military victory. Pheidippides then promptly dropped dead. For the first time, Olympic marathoners ran a distance of 42.195 kilometers or 26-miles and 385 yards.

Can a 5 year old run a mile?

Children 5 and under should focus on “dash” events that range from a few yards to 400 meters. Children 5 and over, kids fun runs that are a ½ to 1 mile long may be considered, but allow for a combination of running and walking.

How long should you train to run a marathon?

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The experts say you should train for at least 4 months before running your first marathon. You can stick to this plan if you want, but it’s not a hard and fast rule. There are plenty of people who train for as little as a month and some that don’t train at all and simply show up the day of the race.

How old is the oldest person to run a marathon?

Ed Whitlock of Canada, was the first 70 year old to run a sub-3:00 marathon and at age 80 ran a 3:25 marathon (and 1:38 half marathon). Earlier this year, 91 year old Harriet Thompson became the second oldest U.S. woman to complete a marathon (San Diego R&R 2014).

What age group is most likely to run a marathon?

The former Army physical training instructor worked three days a week for a London plumbing firm and trained for the race in his spare time. He passed away in 2011 at the age of 104. An online article in the Wall Street Journal says that runners over age 50 represent one of the fastest-growing age groups participating in the marathon.

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What do you need to know before running a marathon?

1. Commit to running a marathon. The words are easy to say, but it’s not nearly as easy to live up to. It’s important to have a very good reason for doing this or else it’s an easy commitment to break. Many people that register for a marathon never even show up to the starting line.