
How hard is it to get a residency from a Caribbean medical school?

How hard is it to get a residency from a Caribbean medical school?

How hard is it to match into residency from a Caribbean medical school? According to the NRMP, the match rate for U.S. Citizens who are graduates of international medical schools is 50\%. Non-U.S. Citizens from international schools have a match rate of 40.9\%.

Does medical school affect residency placement?

Out of the programs surveyed by the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), 50\% said that being a graduate of a highly-regarded U.S. medical school was a citing factor in decided to interview a candidate. Being from a top-ranked medical school does have an impact on matching with a competitive residency program.

Is it easier to get into medical school in the Caribbean?

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Higher Acceptance Rates in the Caribbean Thanks to reasonable tuition fees and fewer total applicants, students generally have an easier time getting into medical school in the Caribbean than they do in their home communities.

Can you transfer from Caribbean medical school to US?

Are you able to transfer from a Caribbean medical school to a US medical school? Nearly all medical schools in the US only consider transfer applicants who come from institutions accredited by the LCME, which only accredits medical schools in the United States and Canada.

Is it worth it to go to a Caribbean medical school?

GPA and MCAT can be difficult to raise, especially your GPA. If your numbers are holding you back, then it may be worth considering Caribbean schools. It can take a lot of time and effort to raise your numbers; you might be able to save that time by going to a Caribbean school.

Are Caribbean medical schools a good option?

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However, for students who want to pursue a different specialty, like internal or family medicine, a Caribbean medical school might be a good option. In 2020, the majority of graduates from SGU, AUC, Saba University and Ross University matched with an internal medicine or family medicine residency program.

Why don’t more students go to Caribbean medical schools?

Let’s address some. 1. Students only go to Caribbean medical schools if they aren’t good enough for U.S. schools. The medical school admissions process is a difficult one to navigate, and many applicants come out looking at second, third, or fourth options.

Can Caribbean medical students do clinical rotations in the US?

Without certification from the ECFMG, students at Caribbean medical schools will not be able to pursue clinical rotations in the U.S., and graduates of Caribbean med schools cannot secure U.S. residencies and fellowships.

What is the stigma of a Caribbean medical school?

The stigma of a Caribbean medical school education is built on rumors — and they’ve run their course. Let’s address some. 1. Students only go to Caribbean medical schools if they aren’t good enough for U.S. schools.

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What is the average MCAT score for Caribbean medical schools?

Students who are admitted to the top Caribbean medical schools have average MCAT scores between 469 and 499, though not all Caribbean medical schools consider MCAT scores for admissions. What is the difference between Caribbean medical schools and US MD and DO programs?