
How does nebula know where the Soul Stone is?

How does nebula know where the Soul Stone is?

Gamora revealed that she knew the Soul Stone resided on Vormir and was forced by Thanos to take him there so he would stop torturing Nebula. Red Skull, the guardian of the stone, revealed that the soul of a loved one had to be exchanged to obtain the Soul Stone.

How did Thanos know Gamora lied about the Soul Stone?

Despite Gamora’s attempts to lie, Thanos revealed that he knew Gamora had found the Soul Stone, through the memories of the captive Nebula, and began to brutally torture her to force Gamora to reveal its location.

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Why did Red Skull call Gamora’s daughter Thanos?

Originally Answered: Why did Red Skull call Gamora the daughter of Thanos on Vormir? Because Thanos adopted her after brutally murdering half of her planet’s population, which would have obviously included her biological parents. So, after this… She is in all meaning of the word, a ‘daughter’ of Thanos.

How does Gamora know the location of the Soul Stone?

It turns out, Gamora actually knew that the Soul Stone was on Vormir all along. Back when she was still being raised by Thanos as his stepdaughter, the Mad Titan tasked Gamora with locating the Soul Stone. Apparently, Gamora had found a map to the Soul Stone, but burned it in order to keep it hidden from Thanos.

Why did Gamora know where the Soul Stone was?

How did Nebula know Gamora died?

Nebula definitely does know Thanos killed Gamora. Thanos brings Gamora to Nebula in order to persuade her to give up the Stone’s location. He tortures Nebula (by pulling her many, many modifications apart) until Gamora tries to lie her way out of it by saying she doesn’t know where the Stone is.

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How did Thanos find out Gamora had the Soul Stone?

Sometime after Ego’s Expansion, Nebula infiltrated Thanos’ ship, the Sanctuary II, and attempted to assassinate him, only to be thwarted and kept in custody. Probing Nebula’s cybernetic memory banks, Thanos’ suspicions were confirmed, that Gamora knew of the Soul Stone’s location and had secretly admitted it to Nebula.

What is the relationship between Gamora Nebula and Thanos like?

Gamora, Nebula, and Thanos have a long, intense history that came to a head in Avengers: Infinity War. Here are their wildest secrets. At first glance, the relationship between Gamora, Nebula, and Thanos might appear to be one comprised entirely of enmity.

Does Gamora betray Thanos in Infinity War?

Gamora betrays Thanos in that film, and Nebula appears to be loyal to him, and that seems to be that. But as the characters have grown and developed in the MCU through Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and the recent Avengers: Infinity War, a rich backstory has emerged between Gamora, Nebula, and Thanos.

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How did Thanos get Vormir?

A mystery she solved by finding a map to the Soul Stone’s location, and a mystery she made sure wouldn’t be solved by Thanos, by burning the map and pretending she has found no answers. Nebula is the first to pay for that deception, as Thanos tortures his cybernetic daughter to get Gamora to offer up the name he needs: Vormir.