How do you respond to first salary offer?

How do you respond to first salary offer?

Salary Negotiations: The Initial Offer and Your Response

  1. Do not negotiate until you have an offer in writing.
  2. Restate their offer, and then process it.
  3. If it is less than you expect, indicate that it is lower than you expected per your research.
  4. Counteroffer with your research-based response and desired range.

Should you accept first job offer?

Your goal shouldn’t be to take the first job you’re offered. Your goal should be to accept the best offer and position for your career. So by asking for a couple of days or up to a week to consider job offers, you’re increasing your chances of getting multiple offers to consider.

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Why you should never take the first offer?

Power Negotiators know that you should never say Yes to the first offer (or counter-offer) because it automatically triggers two thoughts in the other person’s mind.

Should you take the first offer you get?

Some people feel you should take the first offer if you’re happy with it. Never negotiate just for the sake of negotiating. Other people disagree with that position and believe anytime you’re given the chance to negotiate, you should. Here’s a deeper look at both sides of the issue.

How long should you think about a job offer before accepting?

Most employers will expect you to take the night or weekend to think over a job offer and starting salary. Just don’t ask for too much time unless you are prepared to lose the offer. Negotiate for what you want.

What should you expect when negotiating a salary offer?

In turn, you can expect bonuses, greater responsibilities, more job security, and promotions. In the end, job conditions dictate what you can achieve and, therefore, your future compensation, not the other way around. Negotiating a salary offer is just one of the many touchstones along your career path.

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Should you push back at the first job offer?

Just because you push back at their first offer doesn’t mean your value is going to up and disappear. Another salary negotiation tip to know is that for some positions, you are simply expected to negotiate regardless of the offer.