
How do you find the magnitude of the resultant force and direction?

How do you find the magnitude of the resultant force and direction?

To find the resultant force subtract the magnitude of the smaller force from the magnitude of the larger force. The direction of the resultant force is in the same direction as the larger force. A force of 5 N acts to the right, and a force of 3 N act to the left.

What does counterclockwise from the positive X axis mean?

Starting from the positive x-axis, the point P travels around the circle in a counter-clockwise manner. If the point travels clockwise, when it hits the negative y-axis its angle will measure -90° and when it hits the negative x-axis its angle will measure -180°.

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How do you know the resultant direction?

The direction of the resultant can be determined by finding the angle that the resultant makes with either the north-south or the east-west vector. The diagram at the right shows the angle theta (Θ) marked inside the vector addition triangle. This angle theta is the angle that the resultant makes with west.

How do you measure counterclockwise?

If the rotation is counterclockwise, the angle has a positive measure. If the rotation is clockwise, the angle has a negative measure. An angle in standard position is said to lie in the quadrant where the terminal side resides. One way to measure an angle is in degrees.

How to find the magnitude and angle of a resultant force?

To find the magnitude and angle of a resultant force, we create vector equations for each of the given forces add the vector equations together to get the vector equation of the resultant force find magnitude of the resultant force using the new vector equation and the distance formula

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What is the magnitude of the resultant force on the box?

Which indicates that the resultant force R has the same direction as a, and has magnitude equal to the product ma. For example, if a box of 1.5 kg is subject to 5 forces which make it accelerate 2.0 m/s 2 north-west, then the resultant force is directed north-west and has the magnitude equal to 1.5 kg × 2.0 m/s 2 = 3.0 N.

What is the magnitude of the force with the opposite direction?

At this point, we have two forces that are in opposite directions, which is a case that we already know how to solve: the resultant force has the same direction as the force with the larger magnitude (the 11 N force), and its magnitude is equal to the difference between the two magnitudes (4 N):

How do you find the force of a given vector equation?

create vector equations for each of the given forces add the vector equations together to get the vector equation of the resultant force find magnitude of the resultant force using the new vector equation and the distance formula D=sqrt {left (x_2-x_1right)^2+left (y_2-y_1right)^2} D = √