
How do you count the number of tweets?

How do you count the number of tweets?

To access your Tweet activity:

  1. On a desktop or laptop computer, visit and click on Tweets.
  2. In the Twitter app for iOS or Android, tap the analytics icon visible in your Tweets. Make sure you have installed the latest version of Twitter for iPhone, iPad, or Twitter for Android.

How do I count tweets in a thread?

If you’re creating a tweetstorm or a long thread, it’s best to number your tweets (1/5, or just 1, 2, and so on) so that people know where they are in the thread. After writing your first tweet, don’t hit the “Tweet” button just yet.

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How does twitter measure success?

8 Ways To Measure The Success Of Your Twitter Campaign

  1. Impressions – A Yardstick to Record Your Popularity.
  2. Number of Clicks Speak Volumes About Your Marketing Activity.
  3. Retweets – A Promising Feature.
  4. Clicks On Your Website Link.
  5. A Close Watch on Conversions.
  6. Check if Your Follower-Base is Growing.

Is there a limit to Twitter threads?

Twitter tells us there’s currently a limit of 25 entries in a thread, but that number may be subject to change depending on how the feature is adopted by the wider user base.

How many tweets can be in a thread?

25 tweets
Twitter gives you the ability to add up to 25 tweets in a single thread. And each tweet in that thread can feature images, GIFs, polls, etc. just like a standard tweet does. It’s a great way to expand on a conversation and it can even help get older tweets noticed if you create a thread out of one later on.

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What KPIS does Twitter use?


  • Average Amount of Link Clicks.
  • Average Engagement Rate.
  • Average Amount of Impressions.
  • Top 5 Tweets by Engagement.
  • CPM of Twitter Ads.
  • Results Rate of Twitter Ads.
  • Cost per Result of Twitter Ads.
  • Interests of followers.

What is a good tweet engagement rate?

between 0.02\% and 0.09\%
Engagement rates between 0.02\% and 0.09\% are considered to be good. An influencer with a good engagement rate on Twitter could expect between 0.2 – 0.9 reactions for every 1000 followers.

How do you make a tweet longer than 25 tweets?

According to a Twitter spokesperson, the limit on the number of tweets you can add via the + button before you publish is 25. After your first tweetstorm goes, you can hit a button which says “Add another Tweet,” then add another 25 to your original thread.