
How do I talk to my 10 year old about weight?

How do I talk to my 10 year old about weight?

Here are some tips for discussing weight with kids, and what to do if a child brings up the topic.

  1. Encourage open dialogue.
  2. Don’t make negative comments.
  3. Take action.
  4. Avoid the blame game.
  5. A united front.
  6. Talk with your healthcare provider.
  7. Seek advice.
  8. Focus on health over weight.

What can I do if my 10 year old is overweight?

Steps for success

  1. be a good role model.
  2. encourage 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of physical activity a day.
  3. keep to child-sized portions.
  4. eat healthy meals, drinks and snacks.
  5. less screen time and more sleep.
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Why is my 10 year old so fat?

Children become overweight and obese for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these causes. Only in rare cases is being overweight caused by a medical condition such as a hormonal problem.

What to say to your daughter who says she’s fat?

It may be tempting to respond with “No, you look great.” Or, “You’re not fat.” I think it is best to respond instead with no words referencing specific size or how good she looks. Instead to say, “What do you think?” or, “I think you are beautiful inside and out.”

How much should a ten year old weigh?

Main Digest

Babies to Teens Height to Weight Ratio Table
9 yrs 62.0 lb (28.1 kg) 52.5″ (133.3 cm)
10 yrs 70.5 lb (31.9 kg) 54.5″ (138.4 cm)
11 yrs 81.5 lb (36.9 kg) 56.7″ (144 cm)
12 yrs 91.5 lb (41.5 kg) 59.0″ (149.8 cm)
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How do I talk to my daughter about her weight?

How to speak up about an overweight teenage or adult child’s health.

  1. Find mutual purpose.
  2. Help your child find his or her own motivation.
  3. Begin with a contrasting statement.
  4. Encourage your child to explore both sides of the issue.
  5. Don’t push your perspective.
  6. Focus on Mutual Purpose.

How much should a 10 year old weigh?

How do I talk to my child about being a fat person?

Really take your time to think about these questions. If they do apply to you (or your child), I recommend sitting down with them (all together and or one at a time) and explaining that whenever you made jokes about fat people you were setting a bad example. Tell them that their worth to you (and people’s worth) is not determined by shape or size.

What to say when your child says they’re dumb?

Avoid replies like “That’s not true” or “Don’t say that.” It may be one of the most painful things to hear your child say: “I’m dumb” or “I’m stupid.” Your immediate reaction might be “No you’re not!” But is that a helpful way to respond? How you respond can have an important impact on your child’s self-esteem and motivation.

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What should I do if my daughter thinks she’s overweight?

Saying things like, “Oh no you’re not,” or “Stop that,” won’t change the way your daughter views herself. If she thinks she’s overweight, arguing with her feelings could make the situation worse. Validate her feelings by saying something like, “I know it can be hard to feel good about your body sometimes.”

How can I determine my daughter’s healthy weight for her height?

Calculate your daughter’s BMI to determine a healthy weight for her height. Look at the weight range that is considered healthy, underweight, and overweight and discuss where she falls in that range.