
How do I stop being addicted to Quora?

How do I stop being addicted to Quora?

Same goes for Quora.

  1. Try to control the urge to use it.
  2. Better to give the phone to your parents or friends if the addiction is too much.
  3. Try to divert your mind with something fun but doesn’t require your phone.
  4. Go for apps that would help you build your knowledge and skills.

How do I stop my addiction to Reddit?

The best solution is to feed the addiction. Buy as many monitors as you can then display as many subreddits on the screen as you can. Then develop your ability to read multiple reddits simultaneously. At night make sure you have text-to-voice software to read reddits for you while you sleep.

Why is Reddit so addictive?

The real reason is that Reddit is constantly new (Especially if you browse the new section). So you can always find something to read. If you get bored of the links, then there is always new comments. Furthermore, you can filter out the subreddits you aren’t interested in, so all of the content are relevant.

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How do I fix my addiction to you tube?

Strategies to break your YouTube addictin

  1. The 5 Second Rule. When you feel that itch or urge to go on YouTube, count to five.
  2. Find Something else to Do. Decide to use the time that you would have to watch YouTube videos and instead, invest that time to pursue a hobby, passion, or interest.
  3. Think of your Ideal Self.

Is it possible to get rid of addiction?

These changes in your brain can make quitting difficult, but it is important to remember that addictions are treatable. With the right plan and resources, recovery is possible. The good news is that you can quit, although it’s a complicated process.

How do I block on Reddit?

Search for the username of the account you want to block and tap Block. On, visit Safety & Privacy in your User Settings. From there you can block someone by typing their username and adding them to your Blocked Users list.

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How do I get off Reddit?

Log in to your Reddit account. Click on your user icon and select ‘User Settings’ from the drop-down menu. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Deactivate Account’. Re-enter your log in details and if you choose, a reason why you are deleting your Reddit account.

Why is Reddit so addicting Reddit?

Simply put, people obsess over Imgur, Reddit and other sites because of the instantaneous emotional response that the sites inhibit. This entire system is user-driven and, as quickly as Imgur and Reddit became famous, they could fade away into the background if these communities give up their support.

Why should I get Reddit?

Research and Decision Making: You don’t know what to pick and you just can’t find what you need on Google. That’s where Reddit comes into the picture. Reddit is teeming with subreddits that have the information you need and desire. You can read that conversation and those comments to help you make the same decision.