
How do I export Instagram followers to Google Sheets?

How do I export Instagram followers to Google Sheets?

Open up Google Sheets and click Add-ons > API Connector > Manage Connections. In the list of available connections, find Instagram Insights and click Connect. You will be directed to Facebook and asked to choose which Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages you’d like to use with API Connector.

How can I export my Instagram followers for free?

Export Instagram Followers

  1. Go to export instagram data and select the followers or following.
  2. Enter instagram account or username.
  3. Enter your email address and phone number and then click the submit button.
  4. Enter the order tracking section and download list of followers in Excel.

How can I export my Instagram stats?

Here’s how:

  1. In Later on the web, go to the Analytics tab containing the data you want to download.
  2. In the section you want to download, select the date range you want.
  3. Click Export CSV.

How can I export my Instagram conversations?

Download your Messages – Video Tutorial – Step by Step Guide:

  1. 1 – Open Instagram. Open your Instagram app.
  2. 2 – Go to ‘Settings’
  3. 3 – Tap on ‘Security’
  4. 4 – Tap on ‘Download data’
  5. 5 – Request Download.
  6. 6 – Wait ⏱️
  7. 7 – Download Part 1, Only!
  8. 8 – Open with Deary.
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How to export Instagram followers to excel or Google Sheets?

Export any Instagram User followers, User posts or Hashtag posts to spreadsheet (CSV) and open in Excel or Google Sheets. Just give us the hashtag or username and we will export data to spreadsheet and email you for a fee.

Do I get the Instagram URLs in the CSV export?

No, you will only get the Instagram URLs for images and videos in the CSV export. You can click open the images and save it yourself. Why is the number of hashtag posts exported lower than the count shown by Instagram?

How do I extract my followers from Instagram?

You’ll be able to do extract your account’s followers with the free plan. Add the Instagram Followers Collector Phantom to your dashboard. Set it up by connection your Instagram account (use Phantombuster’s browser extension). Specify the account you’re targeting. Launch!

Can I export Instagram followers of competitors?

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You can also export followers of competitors to engage with them for marketing purposes. You can export your Instagram posts with all the stats, like counts, comment counts and dates to track engagement and activity over time.