
How did the reading of the blind men and the elephant represent different perspectives?

How did the reading of the blind men and the elephant represent different perspectives?

The tale later became well known in Europe, with 19th century American poet John Godfrey Saxe creating his own version as a poem, with a final verse that explains that the elephant is a metaphor for God, and the various blind men represent religions that disagree on something no one has fully experienced.

Why could the six blind men not know what the elephant was really like?

The blind men did not know what an elephant looked like but they could smell it and they could hear it. Each man touched a different part of the elephant. The first man touched the elephant’s body. It felt hard, big and wide.

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What is the moral lesson of the story the six blind man and the elephant?

The moral of the story is that truth is relative to one’s own perspective, and because truth is relative, we should respect the opinions of others. After all, their view of reality is based on a different viewpoint than our own.

What is the solution in the blind men and the elephant?

The Elephant Hunt It used to be that these beastly situations were derisively referred to as “the blind leading the blind,” and the traditional solution was to assign one of the blind men the authority to decide, as if he could somehow see the whole elephant.

Why were the six men eager to learn about elephants?

Question 3: Why did the six men go to see the elephant? Answer: The six men went to see the elephant so that by observation they might satisfy their mind as to how the elephant looked.

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Why did the second man say that the elephant is like a spear?

Ans: ii) the elephant Page 3 c) Why is ‘he’ like a spear? Ans: He is loke a spear because he is round and smooth and sharp.

What was the dispute of the six blind men about answer?

Answer: The problem with all the six men was that, all of them were blind.

What did the blind men experience when they came across the elephant?

Six blind men came across a large elephant one day that was strolling through their village. Having never seen an elephant before, each of the six men placed their palms upon the elephant to help them experience what was in front of them. The first man argued that the elephant felt like a large pillar, as he touched the elephants leg.

What did the old men argue day and night about elephants?

The old men argued day and night about elephants. “An elephant must be a powerful giant,” claimed the first blind man. He had heard stories about elephants being used to clear forests and build roads. “No, you must be wrong,” argued the second blind man. “An elephant must be graceful and gentle if a princess is to ride on its back.” “You’re wrong!

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What does the parable of the six blind men and elephant mean?

The parable of the Six Blind Men and the Elephant story originates from the birthplace of ancient spirituality, India. While this old story holds a deep spiritual meaning, many different cultures and countries have a different perception as to what the story means.

What could it be sixth men touched the body of elephant?

Sixth men touched the body of the elephant and said, “You must all be out of your minds. It’s some kind of a wall, hard and wide”. Now they were even more confused. “ What could it be?”, they all wondered.