
Does Sulphur act as an oxidant?

Does Sulphur act as an oxidant?

Sulphur dioxide acts as an oxidizing agent as well as a reducing agent. Give one reaction each to show its oxidizing nature and its reducing nature.

What happens when Sulphur reacts with concentrated Sulphuric acid?

The reaction between sulphur and conc. Sulphuric acid forms sulphur dioxide and water. By the change in the oxidation state, the oxidised and reduced species or oxidiser or reducer can be determined.

Can sulfur be oxidized?

Oxidation of elemental sulfur Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus thioparus can oxidize sulfur to sulfite by means of an oxygenase enzyme, although it is thought that an oxidase could be used as well as an energy saving mechanism.

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Can Sulphur show +2 oxidation state?

In addition to -2 oxidation state sulfur exhibits +2,+4, and +6 oxidation states respectively. An element can have only one or more than one oxidation state depending on the stability of the compound formed.

What happens when sulphur is oxidised?

Sulfur oxidation involves the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds such as sulfide (H2S), inorganic sulfur (S0), and thiosulfate (S2O2−3) to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4). An example of a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium is Paracoccus.

Which concentrated acid will oxidize sulphur directly to sulphuric acid?

Hot concentrated nitric acid oxidizes sulphur directly into sulphuric acid. The name of the process by which sulphuric acid is manufactured is contact process. Vanadium pentoxide is the catalyst used during the process.

What is the oxidation number of Sulphur?

The oxidation state of the sulfur is +4. This ion is more properly named the sulfate(IV) ion. The -ate ending indicates that the sulfur is in a negative ion.

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Why does oxygen not show +4 and +6 oxidation states like Sulphur?

Sulphur shows+4 and +6 oxidation states due to the presence of vacant 3d orbitals to which electrons can be promoted from 3s and 3p filled orbitals. Since oxygen atom does not have 2d orbitals, no electorn promotion is possible in this case. Therefore, oxygen cannot show +4 and +6 oxidation states in compounds.

Can Sulphur be oxidized?

What is the highest oxidation number of sulfur?

The oxidation state of sulfur in H2SO4 H 2 S O 4 is +6 . The oxidation state of sulfur in S2− is −2 . Therefore, sulfur has the highest oxidation state in (c). H2SO4 H 2 S O 4 .

What is the oxidation number of Sulphur in cuso4?

Oxygen has -2 oxidation state due to the absence of 2 electrons to complete its octet, while sulphur possesses a +6 oxidation number due to its less electronegativity.