
Does everyone lose friends after high school?

Does everyone lose friends after high school?

Yes, this is normal. In life, friends come and go. People change over time and there is nothing that we can change about that. Over time, people start hanging out with different types of groups and people in high school and they start trying to act cool.

Do friends stay in touch after high school?

Even though we all make promises, the truth is that no one is obligated to keep in touch with their high school friends after they graduate. Leaving high school friends in high school does not make anyone a bad person or a bad friend. Of course, everyone seems to have that special best friend from high school forever.

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What does it feel like to have no friends in high school?

You’re not all in the same place at the same time anymore, and everyone’s living separate lives. It sucks. You can feel really lonely or like you’re missing out when the only time you see your high school friends is when they post photos of their gap year.

Do friendships last in high school?

But some friendships, as much as you want them to last, are built purely on being in the same high school at the same time. Then suddenly you’re not, and sadly you won’t see or speak to them anymore.

What happened to your high school friends after college?

One happened during college, and I stopped seeing my high school friends (except for one who also attended the same college). A similar shift happened to me when I moved to a different city after college. My college friends no longer fit well with the person I was becoming.

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How do you know if you feel lonely in high school?

You can feel really lonely or like you’re missing out when the only time you see your high school friends is when they post photos of their gap year. Or when your science class partner who you occasionally hung out with stops replying to your texts.