
Does Allah accept impossible dua?

Does Allah accept impossible dua?

There is nothing impossible for Allah. He just says be and it is. Allah swt answers every dua either it is accepted or something better then that happens maybe you won’t understand it on that time hut later you will thank him for the same as it surely will have blessings for you.

How do you ask Allah for something?

The formula for successfully getting what you want from Allah is simple:

  1. Believe in the Possibility.
  2. Then take steps towards making your dream a reality & eliminate distractions.
  3. Dua to Ask Allah for help ( The powerful Dua that will bring your Miracles, and ask the one who can give you anything.
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How can I make my dua come true?

Etiquettes of your dua:

  1. Start off with salawat on the prophet saw (Allahummasalli…)
  2. Use Allah’s beautiful names to call Him.
  3. Praise Allah as He deserves.
  4. Face the qiblah.
  5. Raise your hands into the position of making dua.
  6. Have faith that your dua will be accepted and Allah will respond one way or another.

What are the benefits of Surah Maryam?

The Surah was revealed by Allah to prove her dignity and nobleness among those who were cruel to her. The Surah also discusses life after death, rewards of being kind to humanity, and explains the lifestyles of some important Prophets.

What do you say to Allah when you want something?

One should say: “Allahumma ighfir li warhamni wajburni wahdini warzuqni (O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, enrich me, guide me and grant me provision).” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 284; Ibn Maajah, 898 – from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

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Does Allah accept every Dua?

The second thing we must understand is that Allah doesn’t just answer your Dua with what you asked for, Allah answers your dua with what want, but far more importantly what you need.

Is tahajjud Dua accepted?

Yes, Tahajjud itself is a miracle of Allah (SWT). Alhamdulillah, my prayers got accepted every time. I have grown up alone, had no siblings. I used to pray Allah very often asking Him for a sibling.

Does Allah have a plan for You?

Allah had a plan for you before you were born, and He still has a plan for you. Allah’s plan for you is necessary and glorious. His plan is vital to your success and important to the world.

Is the will of Allah simple or complicated?

The will of Allah is not simple, no matter how much we want it to be, and when oversimplify it, we create a Muslim version of Prosperity Gospel without meaning to. If you’ve never heard of it, prosperity gospel is a religious belief among some Christians that health and wealth and success are the will of God,…

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Does Allah decide everything that happens in the universe?

There is no doubt that Allah has decreed everything that happens in the universe from the beginning of time to the end, and that Allah has written it all in al-Lawh al-Mahfooz (the Book of Decrees). Help Us End Ramadan with 1000 Supporters! Alhamdulillah, we’re at 900 supporters. Help us get to 1000 supporters before Ramadan ends.

Is Allah’s Plan set in stone?

Allah’s plan is not set in stone, as if we were robots pre-programmed in the factory. That would strip us of free will and deny our natures. Rather, I believe that Allah has a flexible plan for each human being: a plan that allows that person to benefit the world with his/her unique talents.