
Does AdSense approve BlogSpot domain?

Does AdSense approve BlogSpot domain?

There is a simple trick which you can use to get your AdSense account approved for Blogspot domain quickly. If your BlogSpot account have a sufficient number of post (minimum 20+) then it’s easy to get your AdSense account approved. If you have personal domain and host chances of AdSense approval are very high.

How do I monetize expired domains?

I hope you’ll experiment with one or more of these options in your own business!

  1. Flip Expired Domains on Auctions or Forums.
  2. Sell Expired Domain Names on Your Own Site.
  3. Package and Sell Expired Domains on Flippa.
  4. Monetize Expired Domains with Text Link Ads.
  5. Build Expired Domains into Niche Sites.

Does AdSense approve subdomain?

Once the TLD is approved yes you can use Adsense on compliant subdomains but you have to add them to your sites list in order to get the ads to show. When your site is ready, you can add any subdomains that belong to your site. When you add a subdomain, it’s then available for you use in AdSense.

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How do I know if my domain is banned from AdSense?

Simply go to this link, add the domain name you want to check for, select the region and click on peview ads. If you see all the ad spots are blank, that means AdSense account is banned for particular domain.

What can I do with expired domains?

Following are several ways you may be able to use expired domains:

  • Build an Authority Site. If you are thinking about building a new site or blog, consider purchasing an expired domain rather than a new one.
  • Use It For Backlinking Purposes.
  • Redirect the Site.
  • Sell It For Profit.

What happens if a domain name expires?

When a domain expires it becomes inactive immediately and all the services attached to it cease to function. You can’t make any updates to the domain while it is expired. The domain will remain available for reactivation at your regular domain rate under your list of Expired Domains.

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Can I monetize subdomain?

Make money by renting out the subdomain. Set up blog software for each subdomain so the members can post what they want when they want it.