
Do you have to fight in war if you join the Army?

Do you have to fight in war if you join the Army?

You have to go to basic training, and you do not necessarily have to go to war. Everyone has to go to basic training before moving to their perspective job, but there is not fighting there. And you can do many different jobs that don’t involve fighting.

Does every soldier go to war?

Roughly 40\% of those who join the military never get deployed to a combat zone at all. 10\% to 20\% of those who do find themselves on a deployment wind up in a combat zone. When you break it down, about one out of every 10 soldiers in the military — 10\% overall — actually go to combat and have to fire their weapons.

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What is the age limit to fight in war?

The federal law that can be manipulated in a case by case basis states that the minimum age for enlistment in the United States military is 17 (with parental consent) and 18 (without parental consent). The maximum age is 35.

Where do most army get stationed?

The five countries with the largest active-duty U.S. military presence in 2016 were Japan (38,818), Germany (34,602), South Korea (24,189), Italy (12,088) and Afghanistan (9,023). Of the top five countries, Afghanistan is the only one in open conflict, an issue that President Donald Trump addressed in a speech Monday.

Is it hard to get in the Army?

But today, more than two-thirds of America’s young people wouldn’t qualify for military service because of physical, behavioral, or educational problems. The services have long required at least a high-school education as a prerequisite for joining. Minimum 33 score on Armed Forces Qualification Test.

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How long can you stay in the Army?

The Army offers enlistment contracts of two years, three years, four years, five years, and six years. Only a few Army jobs are available for two and three year enlistees (mainly those jobs that don’t require much training time, and that the Army is having a hard time getting enough recruits).

Can you join the military with one kidney?

Kidney. (1) Absence of one kidney, congenital or acquired. (2) Infections, acute or chronic. (3) Polycystic kidney, confirmed history of.

Can you join the military after 18 years of age?

However, depending on the level of your education, prior military skills or experience, you may still join the army even if you are beyond this age. In most cases, the decision is left to a recruiter who evaluates your situation and decides if you are eligible. Related Article: Age Limits For Each Branch of the Military

Can I still join the army if my English isn’t good enough?

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Question: Can I still join the Army if my English isn’t that good and I don’t speak loudly? Answer: If you can read this sentence, you’re good to go. That said, if a civilian’s English isn’t good enough the recruiter will tell him right away.

What are the requirements to join the US Army?

In order to join the Army, you need to be a US citizen or resident alien, have a high school diploma or GED equivalent , be at least 17 years old, and meet certain physical / medical requirements. You’ll also have better chances if you have no criminal history,

Does the Army serve the soldier or the soldier?

One of the things I despise most is the idea that the army serves the soldier. The army doesn’t serve you, you serve your country by joining the army. Fortunately, there are very few people that believe this because Basic Combat Training (BCT) does an outstanding job of smoking that idea out of recruits’ heads.