Tips and tricks

Do we know enough about cross-dressing to think about it?

Do we know enough about cross-dressing to think about it?

We know cross-dressing well enough in other areas of life and there think nothing of it.

Is cross-dressing a universal human desire?

But in truth, cross-dressing is grounded in a highly logical and universal desire: the wish to be, for a time, the gender one admires, is excited by – and perhaps loves.

What is crossdressing and why do it?

Crossdressing enacts the great philosophical principle expressed by the Roman playwright, Terence: Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto: I am human, nothing human (including mini skirts or a hair band) is alien to me. It may of course be a bit disturbing to sense that one is really not so firmly anchored to the gender one was born into.

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Why is cross-dressing considered unsustainable?

When you cross-dress, you are attempting to inhabit one of these houses (or maybe another house entirely), which is ultimately: unsustainable. This is why you are cross-dressing, not transitioning to another gender.

Is cross-dressing transgender or transsexual?

Cross dressing should not be mixed up with being transsexual or transgender. (Image via Getty.) It is my job as a therapist to normalise the situation for each individual and work with them to find out what it means to them and why it is causing difficulties in their life and relationships.

How does cross-dressing help stress?

Some men find that cross-dressing makes them feel relaxed and helps them with stress. For both the cross dresser and his family it is not an easy thing to deal with and it is very common to experience a sense of despair to face the reality of the situation.

How can cross dressing counselling help?

Cross dressing counselling can help men to better understand the compulsion they feel and to become more happy, comfortable and confident in themselves. I also help families and friends of men who want to crossdress to both understand the issue better and to help them express their feelings and to also become more comfortable about it.

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Why is it so hard to accept crossdressing?

A lot of people drawn to crossdressing can have strong feelings of guilt, shame and self-hatred. Learning to accept ourselves can be especially difficult when it comes to crossdressing because they may lack a support network of friends or family.

Do you cross dress in public on a daily basis?

I cross dress in public on a daily basis, but I do it differently than most anyone else. For the most part, I don’t have any male clothes aside from a suit and a couple shirts. The occasional wedding or funeral requires a mild bit of decorum. But that represents much less than 1\% of the time I am out in public.

Do crossdressers get bored with crossdressing?

If you are a crossdresser who has been crossdressing for sometime, you probably know that it can start to get boring doing the same things you do after dressing up every time. Every crossdressers wants to experience different feminization experiences, from looking fabulous to going out in public as a woman.

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Is cross-dressing a form of sexuality?

Furthermore, cross-dressing is not purely a sexual activity, it sometimes is a reflection of your partner’s feminine side. Some men get better aroused when clad in female clothing, many find it as a way if identifying an aspect of them laying deep down in them, and some others as a pastime.