
Do miracles happen in Hinduism?

Do miracles happen in Hinduism?

Miracles. There are many examples of miracles in Hindu scripture . Miracles associated with the gods, eg Lord Shiva bringing his beheaded son back to life with an elephant’s head, called Lord Ganesh .

Do miracles happen in all religions?

Overview. Many but not all of the religions of the world have as part of their traditions claims of Miracles . The Miracles have different forms and play different roles within each religion.

Do all religions believe in miracles?

Who did Jesus cure?

In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, the writers tell of Jesus healing a blind man. Of the many miraculous healings by Christ, it is unusual for the Gospel writers to name the people that were healed, but we can see here that the name of the blind man was revealed—Bartimaeus.

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Do miracles claimed by other religions nullify Christian miracles?

Skeptics are wrong when they assert that miracles claimed by other world religions nullify the authenticity of Christian miracles. This is a hasty and unreasonable conclusion. Miracle claims exist outside of Christianity, and these claims emphasize the need for careful examination of each claim.

What can we learn from miracles in other religions?

An engagement with miracles in other religions is one way to discover how different religions really are. Because they speak of the uncommon, miracle stories are sharp reminders that to move from one religious world to another is to cross real boundaries.

Which religions have the most miracle workers?

At first glance, this is no surprise. Eight out of ten Americans also identify themselves as Christians, and of all the world religions, Christianity is the one that has most stressed miracles. (Hinduism, however, has more “living saints,” and therefore more miracle workers.)

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Does Islam believe in Miracles?

Thus, although Islam believes in a God capable in theory of performing miracles, we still have grounds to be critical of miracles later attributed to Muhammad. For every miracle claim, possible supernatural and natural causes should be considered. A miracle is an act of God in history for which no natural explanation is adequate.