Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

What sword style do knights use?

What sword style do knights use? After the end of the medieval period, the arming sword developed into several forms of the early modern one-handed straight swords, such as the side-sword, the rapier, the cavalry-focused Reiterschwert and certain types of broadsword…. Knightly sword Hilt type One-handed cruciform, with pommel What was medieval fighting called? Historical Medieval Battles (HMB) or Buhurt (from Old French béhourd: “wallop”) or Armored Combat is a modern full contact fighting sport with steel blunt weapons characteristic

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Tips and tricks

How do I download an app to my laptop?

How do I download an app to my laptop? Get apps from Microsoft Store on your Windows 10 PC Go to the Start button, and then from the apps list select Microsoft Store. Visit the Apps or Games tab in Microsoft Store. To see more of any category, select Show all at the end of the row. Select the app or game you’d like to download, and then select Get. Can I download WhatsApp in my laptop? WhatsApp can be

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Tips and tricks

Why does no one live in North Canada?

Why does no one live in North Canada? The reason that most people do not live in the north is not so much because of the cold but because of the shorter growing season and poor soil conditions. When Canada was settled by Europeans, the indigenous peoples of the North and West lived on a hunting and gathering food system. Do most Canadians live in the North? There are several interesting facts about the Canadian latitudinal population distribution that can

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Tips and tricks

Will cardboard decompose under mulch?

Will cardboard decompose under mulch? Before long, both weeds and cardboard decompose and feed the soil with organic matter, while you pat yourself on the back for finding such a clever way to recycle and relieve yourself of the constant chore of weeding. Sheet mulching also traps moisture in the soil. How long does it take for cardboard to break down in garden? It can take years if it is packed tightly in sheets with little surface area exposed to

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Tips and tricks

Is Cracking BITSAT easy?

Is Cracking BITSAT easy? BITSAT is one of the toughest engineering entrance exams in India. Cracking it can require dedication and tenacity. BITSAT focuses more on the basics and is a high scoring exam with cut offs going as high as 60\% of the maximum marks,” says Chirag. Can I clear BITSAT in one year? Of course you can. Infact with a solid one year preparation, you can get a very good score, if you actually study well for that

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Tips and tricks

What is the phenomenon of mutual induction?

What is the phenomenon of mutual induction? Mutual induction is defined as the property of the coils that enables it to oppose the changes in the current in another coil. With a change in the current of one coil, the flow changes too thus inducing EMF in the other coil. This phenomenon is known as mutual induction. What is an example of self induction? Since self-inductance is associated with the magnetic field produced by a current, any configuration of conductors

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Tips and tricks

Should companies allow employees to dress casually in the workplace?

Should companies allow employees to dress casually in the workplace? Happier Employees Think about it: Most people are generally happier in clothes that they feel comfortable in. Companies with a casual dress code are also known for having a more positive work environment. A place where employees are trusted, and staff well-being and performance is more important than their appearance. What happens when there is no dress code? If a workplace has no dress code, most likely it has an

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Tips and tricks

What is the story of Bali and Sugreev?

What is the story of Bali and Sugreev? Bali and Sugreev were sons of Lord Indra and Lord Surya respectively. Bali’s brother Sugreev was the son of Lord Surya. Bali was an embodiment of strength, so much so that he could tie Ravan, the king of Lanka, in his tail and take him around the world till Ravan called for truce and accepted defeat. Who was more powerful Bali or Ravana? Ravana was wise & strong but he lacked humility.

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Tips and tricks

What are the disadvantages of community policing?

What are the disadvantages of community policing? List of Cons of Community Policing Struggle of Power. It might be that not all citizens in the community are civic minded. Creating Deviance. Without crimes in the community, there is no need for this type of action. Varied Ideas. Sometimes, people find it unnecessary to have police presence in the community. What is community policing problem? Community policing emphasizes proactive problem solving in a systematic and routine fashion. Rather than responding to

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Tips and tricks

Is it harder to fly a plane or sail a boat?

Is it harder to fly a plane or sail a boat? Navigation. Both sailors and aviators need to be good navigators, capable of plotting and taking fixes. Because of the speed, airplane pilots must work more rapidly, but the basic techniques are the same. A well-set-up plane is very easy to fly, just as a boat that is well set up is easy to sail.” Is being a pilot hard work? Becoming a commercial airline pilot requires considerable study and

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