Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Can feral kittens become domestic?

Can feral kittens become domestic? Feral kittens can usually be tamed if they are rescued young enough AND they are socialized properly. Kittens who are rescued at over 6 weeks of age who have had little or no physical or social contact with humans may not be completely domesticated, although some younger ones may be fully socialized with patience. Can feral kittens make good pets? Feral cats may look cute and cuddly, but they are a lot different than a

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Tips and tricks

Did Vivekananda really see God?

Did Vivekananda really see God? Vivekananda agreed to do so, but every time he saw the idol of Kali, he forgot all about material possessions, and did not ask for money. The doctor said he was willing to do so, but on one condition: neither Ramakrishna nor Vivekananda try to make him believe in God, for he was an atheist. What did Swami Vivekananda say about God? According to Swami Vivekananda, “faith in ourselves and faith in God- this is

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Tips and tricks

Is Intel Celeron good for programming?

Is Intel Celeron good for programming? Originally Answered: Is it suitable using Intel Celeron for coding? Unless you’re doing high-performance coding like complex scientific applications, computer graphics, or cryptography, yes, a Celeron will be fine. Is celeron good for student? Intel celeron can perform basic tasks like using office, doing homework, using internet and Google apps. It is not the best of the market but it works for students. Of course if you are into graphic design and editing you

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Tips and tricks

How do you know when therapy is working?

How do you know when therapy is working? 6 signs therapy is working You start to feel better. You feel like your therapist gets you. You don’t dread your sessions (maybe you even look forward to them!) You feel like the wool has been pulled from your eyes. You’re doing more of the good stuff. Maybe things get worse for a bit. Can a therapist cry during session? Patients aren’t the only ones to tear up during therapy — sometimes

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Tips and tricks

What are the limitations of a free WordPress site?

What are the limitations of a free WordPress site? There are several limitations to the free sites that might make you reconsider using it as your website platform….The Limitations with Limited Number of Themes. Insufficient Analytics. Lack of E-commerce Support. Oodles of Ads. Tiny Storage Space. Is free WordPress hosting good? Free Hosting is a great option for people who only need to host a single WordPress site. While you’re only able to host one WordPress site, the

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Tips and tricks

Can you escape moon by jumping?

Can you escape moon by jumping? No, you can’t escape the Moon’s gravity by jumping. The Moon’s gravity extends to infinity; it does not end or go to zero. And no one can just up with enough energy to achieve Escape Velocity: 2400 m/s (2 miles/sec). , Who needs religion? Why a person can jump higher on the moon’s surface than on the earth? Answer Expert Verified Earth’s gravity is 6 times moon’s gravity. That means moon attracts an object

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Tips and tricks

Why the valency of carbon is 4?

Why the valency of carbon is 4? The valency of carbon is 4. 1s2, 2s2, 2p2 are the outer electronic configurations of carbon. In this way, carbon has 4 as its valence electrons. Carbon uses these 4 valence electrons to form 4 covalent chains. Therefore, 4 is the valency of carbon. How do you find carbon valency? Now, we know that the number of electrons in the outermost shell of carbon is 4. In order to achieve the noble gas

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Tips and tricks

Can a person lose belly fat by just walking?

Can a person lose belly fat by just walking? Walking might not be the most strenuous form of exercise, but it is an effective way to get in shape and burn fat. While you can’t spot-reduce fat, walking can help reduce overall fat (including belly fat), which, despite being one of the most dangerous types of fat, is also one of the easiest to lose. Can you get abs from walking? The INSIDER Summary: The most effective way to get

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Tips and tricks

Do you think there should be a maximum wage?

Do you think there should be a maximum wage? Beyond the costs to society, academic evidence shows that once people earn an annual wage above $80,000 their wellbeing grows by very little. Thus a maximum wage would help both business and society without damaging the wellbeing of the well-off. What would happen if we had a maximum wage? The effects of a maximum wage “A maximum wage would send a message that there’s more to life than chasing after ever

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Tips and tricks

What do PhD advisors look for?

What do PhD advisors look for? ◻◻◻ Do students often work late? [Often / only before conference deadlines.] ◻◻ How often are students expected to be contactable by their advisor. [Email, slack, hangouts. How do I choose my advisor math PhD? If you’re interested in a particular prospective advisor, talk to their recent students about their experiences…. Choose a mainstream field of math. Avoid controversy if possible. Choose an advisor who has an active research program and who is up-to-date

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