Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Is it possible for a bullet to explode?

Is it possible for a bullet to explode? Bullet cartridges are designed to be (relatively) safe until the moment when you fire them. The propellant chemicals in a handgun cartridge are not designed to explode suddenly, all at once: that would blow the whole gun open and very likely kill the person firing it. At what temperature will a 9mm bullet explode? It will have to reach temperatures exceeding 400 degrees inside your vehicle before your ammunition is at risk

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Tips and tricks

Can INFJ be religious?

Can INFJ be religious? Faith is a complex thing for ESFPs, since it is often something they search for and desire. They want to be capable of believing in things they cannot prove or see, but at the same time they are drawn to the physical world around them. What is the difference between religion and faith? The main difference between faith and religion is that faith is the complete trust and confidence in someone or something whereas religion is

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Tips and tricks

How do you know that the Pythagorean theorem is true?

How do you know that the Pythagorean theorem is true? Since both triangles’ sides are the same lengths a, b and c, the triangles are congruent and must have the same angles. Therefore, the angle between the side of lengths a and b in the original triangle is a right angle. The above proof of the converse makes use of the Pythagorean theorem itself. Does Pythagoras work in all dimensions? The Pythagorean theorem can be extended to any number of

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Tips and tricks

How does a cat warn you of danger?

How does a cat warn you of danger? Some people think dogs and cats can smell fear. While this isn’t necessarily true, some animals do have the ability to interpret body language and smell pheromones, which can alert them to when a human is afraid, according to Animal Planet. What can cats sense about humans? A cat’s sense of smell is the primary way he identifies people and objects. Cats have more than 200 million odor sensors in their noses;

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Tips and tricks

What does a temporary relationship mean?

What does a temporary relationship mean? Or a transient relationship after a long marriage has ended may help a person cope with their divorce until they heal. Transitory relationships are almost always temporary, but serve a great purpose in gently pushing a person from one level of self-transformation to the next. Is it okay to be in a temporary relationship? And some people will be unhappy, or at least less happy than they would be single or with someone else,

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Tips and tricks

What is the electric field due to infinite wire?

What is the electric field due to infinite wire? The distance between point P and the wire is r. The wire is considered to be a cylindrical Gaussian surface. This is because to determine the electric field →E at point P Gauss law is used. Therefore, the above equation is the electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire. How does the electric field due to an infinite wire of charge fall off as a function of

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Tips and tricks

What is the most elite law enforcement agency in the US?

What is the most elite law enforcement agency in the US? Last but not least – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Known for being on the cutting-edge of forensic technology, and innovative investigative techniques, the FBI is America’s principal law enforcement agency. Can a US marshal deputize someone? Historically, U.S. Marshals in the West would deputize a posse of men when needed to capture a fugitive or perform other law-enforcement tasks. Today, the U.S. Marshals Service still authorizes special

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Tips and tricks

Which one is better business standard or economic times?

Which one is better business standard or economic times? Business Standard is much better for real serious economic news. ET is mostly focused on gathering attention of Gen Y and thus has made ET more like a “Times of India” type, which I think we serious news people are not looking for. Is business line a good paper? BusinessLine, from The Hindu Group of Publications is arguably the best newspaper when it comes to reliable and in-depth business news. The

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Tips and tricks

Should I tell my parents if my brother touched me?

Should I tell my parents if my brother touched me? It seems he was touched you with wrong intentions. Yes, you should tell your parents. But first be sure that your brother had touched you with wrong intentions. Talk with him first. Try to understand his intentions. Do not confront him, otherwise he will be protective and will not disclose his intentions. How do I get my boyfriend to stop touching me? If your adults won’t do anything or don’t

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Tips and tricks

How do I stop lusting with my best friend?

How do I stop lusting with my best friend? “This is not about me. I’m not being rejected. It’s just not a good fit for the other person,” Cocharo recommends telling yourself. Just know that you might have to set some new boundaries in your friendship. How do you deal with a friend who has a crush on you? Here are a few ways to cope when you’ve got a crush on a friend. Create some boundaries. Do you tell

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