

Who won the Korean and Japanese war?

Who won the Korean and Japanese war? Japan’s rule of Korea ended in 1945 when it was defeated in the war. But it took another 20 years before South Korean President Park Chung-hee agreed to normalise relations with the country in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and grants. How strong is South Korea military? South Korea has stepped up its pace as other places step back, because its rapidly declining birthrate has led to a deficit

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How far could a cannon shoot in 1776?

How far could a cannon shoot in 1776? Effective range varied wildly among different Revolutionary War cannon, but typically maxed out around 1,000 yards. How does a Revolutionary War cannon work? Siege cannon fired solid shot, destroying fortifications and buildings. Against ships, cannon crews utilized hot shot, a superheated cannon ball that could set a ship on fire; and bar shot and chain shot, (two halves of a cannon ball attached by either a bar or chain) that could pull

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Why do you want to work in a government?

Why do you want to work in a government? The chance to make a difference Government employees work to enhance the lives of people in the U.S. and around the world. You can play a vital role in ending homelessness, finding cures for diseases, keeping our food supply safe and much more. What does it mean when someone says they work for the State Department? The State Department is the principal foreign affairs agency. Its task is to represent the

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Can you put a crown over a dead tooth?

Can you put a crown over a dead tooth? Because a dead tooth can become brittle, the dentist may fit a crown over the tooth after the root canal treatment to strengthen and support it. What happens if a dead tooth is not removed? It’s important to treat a dying or dead tooth as soon as possible. That’s because left untreated, the bacteria from the dead tooth can spread and lead to the loss of additional teeth. It could also

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Who was Esther in the Bible and what did she do?

Who was Esther in the Bible and what did she do? In the biblical book named after her, Esther is a young Jewish woman living in the Persian diaspora who finds favor with the king, becomes queen, and risks her life to save the Jewish people from destruction when the court official Haman persuades the king to authorize a pogrom against all the Jews of the empire. What is the spiritual meaning of Esther? Biblical Names Meaning: In Biblical Names

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What is meant by average current?

What is meant by average current? Average current refers to the average of every instantaneous current value from zero to the peak and back again on a sine wave; alternating or AC current is represented by a sine wave. The unit of measurement for current is the ampere or amp. What is RMS and instantaneous? The instantaneous value at t=1 is i1. At t = n is, in. The average value for one alternation (0 to π) is. RMS (Root

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Where should a company outsource?

Where should a company outsource? 10 Small Business Functions That Can Be Easily Outsourced Accounting. Accounting is one of the most common areas where small businesses choose to outsource. Marketing. Sales. IT Management. Administrative Tasks. Customer Service. Manufacturing. Shipping and Logistics. What is the most likely cause for outsourcing labor? The biggest motivating reason for a company to outsource is to save money. There are many reasons a company may want to reduce operating costs. There might be a problem

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What months are fireflies out?

What months are fireflies out? Yes, fireflies, which are actually a type of beetle, share a relationship with weather that goes deeper than the summer solstice. Their larvae live underground during winter, mature during spring, and then emerge in early summer anywhere from the third week in May to the third week in June. Are lightning bugs in all 50 states? Fireflies are found in many countries, but particularly in tropical climates. More than two thousand species have been described,

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How can I sell my home food online in Hyderabad?

How can I sell my home food online in Hyderabad? So here is how you get started. Get basic FSSAI registration. Anyone in India requires a basic FSSAI registration to sell homemade food for upto 12 lakh per annum in revenue. Get approved on Curryish. Create a menu. Start Marketing. Serve Amazing Experieneces. Is there an app to sell HomeMade food? Since 2013, The California Homemade Food Act has allowed home cooks to make and sell certain low-risk foods from

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Can an 18 year old bartend?

Can an 18 year old bartend? In the United States, different states have their own age requirement how old do you have to be to be a bartender, but the age range is from 18-21 years old. How old do you have to be a bartender at Olive Garden? You must be 18 or older to qualify to work in other positions because of heavy machinery and alcohol sales. Is it hard to get a bartending job with no experience?

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